Azra Dizel Character in Gamma World | World Anvil

Azra Dizel


Sister Azra was a member of the Brotherhood of Thought. She spent most of her early career digging into the history of the City of Cartoons and searching for Old World artefacts still buried in the city. Her current whereabouts and activities are unknown.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Azra spent a lot of time digging through the rubble of the City of Cartoons, which helped keep her in good physical shape. However, her activities also frequently uncovered buried mutagens or exposed her to the radiation of the Blue and Red Rivers. At last report, she had not developed any mutations. However, that last report was 8 years ago. If she is still alive, her condition might have changed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Azra was born to a lower class family in Om. She grew up near University in awe of the establishment, wanting to learn there one day, but knowing her family could never afford to send her there.   When she was 18, she left the City of Cartoons, hoping to learn more of the world. She soon came upon the Temple of Lore, which, despite its proximity to the City of Cartoons, she had never heard of before. In awe of the knowledge stored there, she petitioned to join the Brotherhood of Thought. Impressed by her eagerness, the Temple's former prior before Nuri took her as his personal student. He later paid her tuition at University.   At 24, she graduated from University with degrees in history and archaeology. She then began work to uncover the lost secrets of the City of Cartoons' origins, establishing herself in Momma. It was a relatively central location that gave her reasonably easy access to other areas of the City.   Until 8 years ago, she was in regular contact with the Temple of Lore, but then, without warning, stopped sending reports of her activities. The siblings at the Temple made some attempt to enquire after her, but were unable to turn up anything other than she was no longer living at her old address in Momma. It is possible she simply decided to go somewhere else and cease her association with the Temple (she was technically never under any obligation to maintain contact) or something happened to her, leaving her unable to maintain contact. The Temple of Lore has her officially listed as "Missing".

Gender Identity



Family Ties

Azra's family lives in Om, near University. Both parents work in University. Her father works as a secretary in the Faculty of Bioengineering and Medicine. Her mother is a janitor. She has two younger siblings: a brother and a sister.   Her family do not know her current location or activities.

Religious Views

Azra expressed a belief in the Great Intelligence but did not consider herself a Mind. Alongside her belief, she also expressed a belief that there was a logical, scientific explanation for the GI, that they are not simply a supernatural, deific being.
Stock Human
Current Status
Year of Birth
58 AF 41 Years old
Dark brown, short, curled
Related Reports
Known Languages
Arabic, English
Reputation Bonus

Articles under Azra Dizel

Cover image: Trash Planet by nkabuto
Character Portrait image: Another citizen moves to Baleton by Atypicalgamergirl