Galfin Henri Sallya's Story Timeline

Henri Sallya's Story

  • 180 AHM

    26 Newbloom

    Entry 01 - Flint Journals

    I grow weary of my family life. My father is an unloving man who cares nothing but for business and money. We moved here from the mainland before I could remember. He felt he could profit here but really he is just another salesman selling mainland trinkets to islanders. Little more than a gift shop owner who drinks his money away. The only thing my father and I have in common is a love for puzzles, we used to spend hours together trying to solves riddles and wooden puzzles. That time has been sacrificed to his business ventures. He is constantly talking about the Pacuran Elite, the high command of Zephyr and Typhon. He yearns to be one of them but he is bound to the mundane like all of the peasant families. He will never dine with Thresh of Typhon or Branahan of Zephyr. I can't blame him for the dreams, I too yearn for greatness. I hope to leave this place and join a scholar college in Skygarde. The purple and gold banners cover the glowing streets of the metropolis. Maybe I'll make it there. Hopefully. ..... I am grateful for my mother for getting me this journal, it eases my anxious mind when I can put my thoughts to ink. ..... Today's entry is admittedly a little sporadic, I started off the entry as I sat outside breathing in the salt from the ocean only to have that tranquility shattered by the sound of my mother's shrieks. I ran in to find her beaten and bruised under my father's open hand. He had struck her before and I stood idley by like a good son. This time I could not take it, I pushed him to the ground and picked up the cooking pot over the stove fire, I struck him in the face with the searing hot pan filled with boiling water. My hands are shaking as I write, my knuckles still have burn marks from the spatter. I wish I had stopped there, I wish that was enough. I continued to beat him as my mother wailed for me to stop, I had enough of him, enough of this home and this poisonous atmosphere. I am writing this from the back gully behind our home, I am waiting for the doctor to leave after he mends my father's wounds. I'd wager the doctor won't even ask why my mother's eye was bruised. Knowing my father he would say that was from me while I was in my rage. I wouldn't strike my mother.

  • 180 AHM

    27 Newbloom

    Entry 02 - Flint Journals

    I ran away, I finally did it. I'm practically still a boy only 17 in age, only just entering adulthood and I am terrified. My father and all the propaganda against the Great Mutiny, as the papers call it, is just too much for me to handle. All my friends are joining up and I'm on a fishing trolley on the way to Kyra. My friends are being brave, loyal soldiers but I am just a coward. I will make it to the mainland, maybe settle in Turin, the city of creeps and forgotten ones. Maybe even make it to Skygarde, reinvent myself as an Eastern merchant, with a strange island accent because my mother was a third elf and a quarter gypsy. They'll buy that I'm sure. A deserter, maybe I'll move to the desert then I can just go by that term and no one will be the wiser.

  • 180 AHM

    41 Newbloom

    Entry 03 - Flint Journals

    – I have been living underneath a monastary hiding in their food storage. I feel bad stealing from a. church but I think our gods would understand my circumstance. The high and mighty attitude of my father is increasingly being tested. The common folk of Typon seem to against their Stormblood's war. My father constantly insulted the revolution known as the Great Rebellion but he glimmer of hope I see in peoples eye when they speak of it makes me question what I thought. They speak of stories of a lone pirate sailing the seas, a young man named Mortimer who is escorting refugee ships passed border lines. People are fearful of the tensions brought on by Lyna, Branahan and Thresh. I met a Typhon born man who is helping people reach a ferry off the island. I'm meeting him tonight, his name is Cortez and I hope he can help me.

  • 181 AHM

    4 Aridheat

    Entry 04 - Flint Journals

    I was able to find a ferry that took pity on me and took me to Kyra while the fisher dropped off a shipment. It has been just over a year now since I left home. In that time a lot has happened and I haven't really had time to slow down. I found work while in Kyra and kept very busy as the Fleet of the Stormblood pact was signed last Firstfrost. This created a lot of jobs at the ports because trade was booming. I worked as a loader for a nice sailor named Iggy who was trying to establish a market for his iguana jam. It wasn't doing that well since he had to do it between his stints of duty with the Kyran Navy. I was happy doing this for mediocre pay until all of that came crashing to a halt this morning. I am now out to sea on a barge ship named the Tortuga. I was surrounded by Kyran guards yelling and screaming about conscripts and duty. I was boarded onto a ship with all other able bodied folk and sent off to sea to be trained for war. The only thing I could grab before boarding was my journal that I haven't been keeping up with. To my knowledge, Lord Thresh declared war on any provinces who would not serve under him. He invited Branahan of Zephyr, Lyna of Gyaron and Kindra of Kyra. I have heard of the brash nature of Kindra but did not expect her to decline an invitation to join with the man controlling the largest army in Pacura. Lucky for me, as a mainlander from birth, the fact I am of Typhon was not discovered by the recruiters. I have a few days sail to gather my thoughts before I am sent to work on a warship in a battle for a country I am not even a native of. .... I have been at sea now for a day and they have given me my orders. I am to load cannons on the Golden Fleece. Yes, I am literally going to be cannnon fodder on the ship that is captained by Kindra, the figurehead of the rebellion and on a ship that is plated in gold. I'm sure this will only go well.

  • 181 AHM

    13 Coolbreeze

    Entry 05 - Flint Journals

    After the initial mistrust of a foreigner ended I began to work well with my shipmates. They were simple folk terrified of the battles and responsibilities ahead of them. Most of them could barely read their orders so I helped clarify the writings. I wasjjust as scared as they were but I went through a formal education before we left for Pacura. This duty gave me a direct channel of communication to the leaders up top. In particular I began talking with the captain of the Golden Fleece, Kindra of Kyra. After a few months at sea the second mate fell ill and needed to be removed from command. I was asked to come upstairs and read the maps, assisting with the navigation. Honestly I am grateful as this position is far less dangerous then manning the cannons below deck.

  • 181 AHM

    53 Firstfrost

    Entry 06 - Flint Journals

    I don’t know how but Kindra and I spent last night together. The air grows cold even in the tropical province of Pacura. I now other sailors are jealous as I see their looks of disdain, they dont dare speak out about because Kindra is much scarier than I could ever be. This definitely made the endless war against Thresh a little more enjoyable. We have drifted from battle to battle over the last few months. We have suffered losses and tragedies but also a glimmer of hope remains with us. Kindra has become the figurehead of the rebellion while a young pirate named Captain Mortimer has taken siege to the tyranny of the seas. With the Stormbloods rallying behind Kindra and the people creating a folk hero of Morty, we just might have a chance to win this war. A few weeks back we raised an outpost and I found a locket in the mud. I think ik going to clean it up and give it to Kindra, she'll probably punch me for it.

  • 182 AHM

    13 Newbloom

    Entry 07 - Flint Journals

    Kindra and I have now turned our fling into something more. Over the last few months we have fought and sailed together but she fears it is getting to serious and she will lose focus on the task at hand. She had a high bounty on her so she decided to sendme away to be the personal letter writer for the leader of the rebellion, Captain Mortimer. I argued that he was more sought after by Thresh, Branahan and Lyna but Mortimer was undefeated on the waters and she felt I would remain safe with him. I am on a transport to Ios now nursing a black eye. I gave her the locket I found and she proceeded to slug me in the eye before kissing me one last time. She did not take the locket. Women are confusing.

  • 182 AHM

    15 Aridheat

    Entry 08 - Flint Journals

    Morty has been worried of late. As much as we succeed with our guerrilla tactics, he feels like the grand plan is still far away. I have been his personal letter writer for some time now. I still send letters to the woman I yearn for but I know she is busy leading the war front. She has yet to reply to my mail, I think she believed me to be a distraction and has forgotten about me. I never told her I loved her but now I think I will hold that feeling with me until I reach my watery grave. Captain Mortimer is a little zany but his cutthroat decisions sailing the Kraken cannot be disregarded. He has begun speaking whispers to me about an artifact he has heard Thresh is searching for beneath the waters. An old book he read when he was a boy mentioned that a device created by the Magelord himself, Adonis Oakhand, was lost at sea somewhere near Pacura centuries ago. Morty told me that the Great Mutiny would be for nothing if the rumours of the Magelord’s Phylactery were true.

  • 182 AHM

    20 Coolbreeze

    Entry 09 - Flint Journals

    An ambush took place this evening on the Kraken's Nest. This was a small outpost that Mortimer sailed out of on the island of his best friend, Ivan the Great Eagle. I am writing this from a prison ship, captured by Lord Thresh and his goons. Back at my home on the small island I left a note for Mortimer as well as a ring I had purchased for Kindra hidden inside the locket she refused. I do not expect to see any of them again but asked him to protect it. I told him that his plan to find the Phylatery was going to work and that even though I was about to be captured, I will remain as his steward and help complete his mission. Honestly at this point I don't think Kindra has thought about me since I left while I can't get he out of my dreams. I was captured by Gyaron Wardens and told them I was a POW so they might not execute me with my crew. I lied and now my friends are dead.Morty was not there for the ambush but I hear from the guards that he is on a rampage now that his home was attacked. I am being sent to work in the Pit. I have been told that I will suffer the most severe level of punishment as the ancient laws of the Pit dictate treachery against a government as one of the worst crimes. I should have been a murderer if I knew I'd get a lighter sentence.

  • 184 AHM

    33 Coolbreeze

    Entry 10 - Flint Journals

    My time inside felt like the entirety of the life I had already lived. My writing may be off or misspelled because I am only just now breathing fresh air for the first time in 2 years. I wish I could forget but the memory of that ambush is burnt into my skull. Today I was released from the Pit, the Gyaron prison and work camp. I mined ore for two long years that seemingly took an eternity. I saw criminals and innocents die on the floor next to me, gasping for air. Writing kept me sane but unfortunately I was unable to grab any of my journal entries from the loose brick beside my stone slab of a bed. Hopefully whoever finds it cannot read and simply eats the paper or uses it as a toiletry. Some of the information there would likely get me killed now that I am out. Let me back up for a moment, because I haven't written this down since I have been above ground. in the year 4E, 182 I had moved from the Golden Fleece. On Kindra's orders I left to work as a letter writer for Captain Mortimer. This man had taken the rebellion by storm in the first year of the war, he was not of royal blood but commanded his men like he was Dhara reincarnated. Mortimer and Kindra had become the figureheads of the Great Mutiny, the rebels fighting against the Fleet of the Stormblood. I worked for Mortimer for the better part of a year until he left me on Ios to copy some documents. His legendary ship the Kraken had never been captured. That didnt mean the Fleet did not know that much of the rebellion orders were given from an outpost on Ios known only as the Kraken's Nest. That unfortunate night the civilian village was raided by Typhon soldiers. They burnt, pillaged and raped their way through the innocent arborers of Ios. I was a member of Mortimer's crew and would surely be executed. I had a mission to complete and needed to get through this. I tied my hands in a knot and put on the best immitation of my father's Typhon accent that I could muster. The soldiers found me and I declared myself as a prisoner of war. They were dim-wittted and believed me. They dragged me towards their black and gold ship along with any other strong men. This ship had a recognizable figurehead of a silver forged statue of a maiden in agony. Her skin cracking as if fossilized under the eruption of a volcano. This was the Onyx Stallion, the frigate of Lord Thresh. The Ios women and children were mostly killed as well as my shipmates that were resting in Ios that night. I saw their faces and they saw mine as they were dragged and thrown into a hole in the ground filled with oil and wildfire. Every night in the Pit I would hear the echoes of their lives as they burned alive. I heard this as I sat on a ship, lying to keep myself safe. Hundreds of mothers and babies were brutally murdered by my countrymen that night and I was kept alive so I could work in the lung-rotting ash of the Gyaron jail. I don't really like the sea but happen to enjoy the time it takes to get from place to place. It seems that the sea journey is the only time I get to write in my journal anymore. Ironically enough, I am back on the Onyx Stallion but not as a prisoner, I am set to empty the latrines on this majestic sea vessel. The journals I left in the Pit will be forever lost to me for I will never venture back into that cesspool of malice and death.

  • 187 AHM

    21 Rainfall

    Entry 11 - Flint Journals

    It has been 2 days since these events occurred. It took me some time to stop crying so I could gather my thoughts. That day has been dubbed the Battle of Red for the color the sea was stained by the end if it. After 2 years in the Pit I was recruited to work the cannons on the Onyx Stallion, Thresh’s own ship. After an expedition to a sunken ship in the depths of the ocean, Thresh found what he was looking for. A treasure that held an artifact Thresh thought would help him win the war as well as every war after this. Thresh sent away many of his ships to confuse any spies about which ship had the artifact. Suddenly we were ambushed by the Kraken. Of course my old captain would be here. The battle seemed lost for Thresh, the lower deck was completely eviscerated and bodies fell into the sea. I ran top deck to see the Golden Fleece and the Blackfly also engaged in battle nearby. Kindra, the woman I still loved and Thormund, Lord Thresh's son captained these ships.This war could potentially end with this encounter alone. Mortimer jumped onto Thresh's ship and killed some men, my old leader saw me said something to me that I will never forget. “The war would not end until we knew where the phylactery was. With all the decoy ships escaping, any one could have the phylactery onboard. Even if I killed Thresh today, some other power hungry tyrant would use its power later on. I need you to do what’s wrong to do what’s right.” He walked passed me as he searched for Lord Thresh. I walked over to the ballista and aimed it at the Blackfly. I saw Kindra overpowering Thormund. To save the world I needed to get close to Thresh. I hesitated for a moment as Kindra disarmed Thormund. I closed my eyes and fired. I opened them to see a painting of what would be burnt into my mind for an eternity. The chained ballista bolt pierced the heart that was once mine. I saw blood spattering from her breast as the crimson rain covered a locket around her neck. In the fleeting moments of this seeming time stop, I saw around her finger was the ring I meant to give her. She loved me as much as I did her and I shot the woman I cherished through the heart. She fell into the soon to be infamous blood soaked water. Great white sharks dyed in red circled the field of combat. With the death of Kindra, numerous mutiny allies fled. I reeled in the chain to let her be buried but Thormund cut the chain with his halberd as she fell back down to the deep below. All that was attached to my ballista chain was the locket I gave to her covered in red. This death caused Morty to retreat, suffering his first naval loss of the war. Thresh praised me for saving his son Thromund. I am hollow inside and sickened with myself.

  • 187 AHM

    18 Newbloom

    Entry 12 - Flint Journals

    I honestly wish that day played out differently. I am speechless to the atrocities that have garnered me such praise. I have just been promoted to cartographer upon Lord Thresh's legendary armored ship the Onyx Stallion. It’s only been one season since I killed the figurehead of the rebellion. I went from latrine cleaner to a member of Thresh's inner circle within a month of saving his son Thormund. Though the cost will forever bear a burden on my soul. To save Thormund I had to kill the woman who once loved me, the woman I still love to this day. In a moment, I killed Kindra of Kyra with a ballista bolt as she was about to kill the heir to Typhon. That was the day the Great Mutiny dubbed me a traitor and an enemy of the people. I moved up in rank within the Fleet of the Stormblood and am now getting to know Thresh better. He is a power hungry man who instills that same loathing of defeat into his son. He beats his teenage son when he fails, it reminds me of the terror that my father's hand brought upon me. Thresh has mentioned an artifact twice now and I am certain this is the device I am after, I hide my notes within the walls of my quarters to not gain suspicion from my crewmates. The Phylactery of the Magelord will be mine, a cruel man such as Thresh does not deserve such power.

  • 187 AHM

    37 Aridheat

    Entry 13 - Flint Journals

    – I was promoted yesterday to Captain of my own ship within the Fleet of the Stormblood. I named my shp the Lover’s Scorn.I am supposed to have a meeting with the other Stormblood in charge of this crusade, Lord Branahan of Zephyr. I vacationed on Zephyr a few months ago after my recognition for killing Kindra, the figurehead of the rebellion and my beloved. There I met Branahan and got to know him. We spoke briefly of the artifact Thresh was searching for. This item concerned Branahan as it would allow Thresh much more control than himself or Lyna of Gyaron. We were interrupted by a maid strolling by with the Stormblood's three year old son, Borigan. Now this meeting today, I believe it has to do with a potential marriage arrangement to his niece Cynthia, at least that is what the rumours suggest. I don’t know this woman but with me coming from a wealthy family from the mainland, it makes sense for a Captain of the Fleet to be wed to Pacuran royalty, even if they are not in line to the throne.

  • 187 AHM

    44 Aridheat

    Entry 14 - Flint Journals

    I was broken for what I did but this opportunity would allow me to find the artifact and hide it from causing much more bloodshed. I am trying to do the right thing but my brethren in the rebellion will never think of me as anything more than a traitor to my love and a traitor to the cause. I trust Morty, maybe a little too much but he has this charisma about him. I know he is right and that the only way to end this is to find the Phylactery ourselves and hide it from tyrants and maniacs. We agreed on a meeting spot on Kinaros, between two rocks facing the rising and setting sun. No matter what he will wait for me at that point in the first day of every season, or at least I hope he holds true to that as I dig myself deeper within the Fleet elite.

  • 187 AHM

    1 Coolbreeze

    Entry 15 - Flint Journals

    I was promoted for saving Thresh’s son Thormund and due to this I was offered the hand of marriage to the niece of Lord Branahan of Zephyr. Her father Claus seems to have taken a liking to me and has been introducing me to some high players I the military. Cynthia is honestly miserable but I have been faking love to further Mortimer’s mission. Within me I dont know if I could ever actually love again. I am to be married in 2 days time and I wish I had already found the artifact so I could jump on my ship and sail to my old captain.

  • 187 AHM

    164 Coolbreeze

    Entry 16 - Flint Journals

    I am now a married man. Cynthia and I wed this morning on the first day of Coolbreeze and are honeymooning on my ship, the Lover's Scorn. She wants me to rename my vessel because it’s not very formal and she is jealous that it might be referring to lovers past. I told her that I could change it to Cynthia's Scorn but she was not amused by my jest. Before I set off to consummate the marriage, a group of elite captains met me at the docks. They invited me to join them in a secret meeting consisting of higher ups such as Thresh, Branahan, Lyna of Gyaron and Cynthia's father Claus, among other high ranking members of the Typhon, Zephyr and Gyaron military. I accepted, finally I believe the Phylactery is nearing my grasp. I will get tonight over with and continue my mission when I get back to shore.

  • 188 AHM

    7 Rainfall

    Entry 17 - Flint Journals

    I attended the first meeting of the Fleet Elite with Cynthia’s father. I was unsure of whether or not I could speak out so I took the chance and I chimed in. I spewed some gibberish about the moral of the troops not mattering in and around Ios because if we lost to Kinaros then those men would die anyway. After a discussion the elites sent ravens out to notify the reinforcements to turn towards Kinaros and leave the 300 men stranded on Ios thinking they were getting help. Continued discussions were held where the war effort was spoken about in plainer terms. Where we could send men to die to save money on food for instance. It has been a year since I gained my own ship In this time Thresh has stepped back from commanding his ship and retired it. He stills leads his army but his son Thormund is now in charge of the sea. The Onyx Stallion is now on display at the front gate of Thresh's manor on Typhon. The meetings take place within the ship but as far as I can tell there is no written record of what we discuss.

  • 189 AHM

    54 Newbloom

    Entry 18 - Flint Journals

    I don’t know if Morty’s Intel was wrong. I don't know who I am anymore. I am now unsure if I am doing the just thing. I haven’t really talked to him in 4 years and the war is still raging because I stopped the Battle of Red. It hurts me to look at my family, my wife I feel only disdain for and my now 2 year old daughter Claire. It's not their fault though, they just can't see that we are on the wrong side of history. I lie to them and every person I have met for years and it really takes it toll. In this time I have learned that Kyra was not without an heir. Kindra had a daughter and I killed that child's mother. The baby’s age eats away at me. My months and years have blended together. Was I one of many men she had courtship with, was the baby too young for when I was sent away, too old? Was I the father? I will send what I can to Mortimer but I risk a lot sending correspondences to my old friend. I need to know if I am Quinn's father.

  • 190 AHM

    43 Newbloom

    Entry 19 - Flint Journals

    It has been a busy couple years and my writings grow further and further apart. I write to you upon my ship, the newly christened Cynthia’s Scorn.This war has taken a toll on all of Pacura. Countless families ripped apart and destroyed all for this senseless urge for control. I am not innocent. I have had my men pillage and slaughter. I do what I can to stop them most of the time but they are animals and rage on. After years within the Pacuran Elite I have finally found what I have been yearning for. Last night I witnessed Thresh unveil the artifact they had been trying so desperately to fix over the last few years. With all of us there to bear witness, Thresh used the Phylactery. He opened up the gold lantern shaped container as a blue stream of magic and essence wrapped around him. He screamed in agony as my father in law ran toward him. Thresh magically pulled his spear towards him and it impaled Claus completely through his torso. Magic surged through the tyrant as he floated above the ground. I had no chance to stop him before it happened, not to stop my father-in-law but to stop Thresh so I could take the artifact for myself. Thresh landed back to the ground as he put the device down, he collected himself as he put the phylactery back into the steel chest he lifted it from. Young Thormund locked the chest with a black key. Branahan was on the ground mourning his brother as the elites began to argue. Each one of then wanted to hold the powerful vessel of essence for themselves. Lyna moved to grab the chest but Thresh still retained residual power from the device, he grabbed her arm and ripped it clean off her shoulder, striking a member of Branahan’s guard with the limb. Branahan stood up to confront his cousin but was stabbed in the stomach by Thormund, who was protecting his father. A battle ensued as Thresh still held onto some magical power from the device and easily dispatched the attackers. Lyna got a good punch on Thromund and knocked the young man to the ground. I saw my chance as the black key slid out from his pouch. I picked it up as Lyna was killed by Thormund. Three of the major players in the Fleet of the Stormblood were killed among numerous others that I missed in the mayhem. I took the chest and key and ran out of the Onyx Stallion. Numerous carriages were waiting for their passengers to finish their meeting. I jumped on the one who worked for me and am riding towards my home, the Lancashire Manor, as I write this. The plan is finally underway, my contact is supposed to have been meeting at the rock on Kinaros on the first day of every season. I hope he still hold to our plan like I have.

  • 190 AHM

    44 Newbloom

    Entry 20 - Flint Journals

    To my dearest Friend, I might not make it through the night. I am quickly writing this as my wife screams at me through the locked door of my study. I can see the flickering of torches marching towards the Lancashire Manor. By this point I'm sure Thresh has convinced this mob that I killed Lyna, Claus and Branahan. This is so very frustrating, I still can't even write your name in fear that this letter is intercepted. I really hope you are at the meeting spot. For both ours and Pacura’s sake. I have the Phylactery of the Magelord in my rucksack. The summer solstice is in 10 days which should give me enough time to get to Kinaros. At this point Thresh can't use the power of this artifact but him and his son will never stop looking for it. Damn you, you crazy pirate, I really hope this was all worth it. My wife is about to get mobbed along with my three year old daughter, their highborn status should keep them safe although being affiliated with me will cause them to be scorned for life. On top of that the woman I loved was killed by my own hand and the daughter I had with her doesn't even know me. If you can, could you make sure you have prepared the locket as I asked in my last letter. The locket for Quinn? Alright M, I am setting out to meet you, I will try to send a pigeon before……
      *the letter is crumpled as if it was quickly stashed away before being sent.*

  • 190 AHM

    49 Newbloom

    Entry 21 - Flint Journals

    I am on my ship sailing towards Kinaros I believe. The murmurs are getting worse as the crew knows we are on the run from all sides. The men seem to be very close with this greasy little goblin mercenary Thormund hired for my crew, I can't stand him and honestly think he is the one causing the disdain amongst my crew. I dont have anything against goblins and this is coming from a career traitor myself, it seems like goblins are always the ones to stab you in the back. In case Mortimer can’t get to our monthly meeting spot I am going to try and break the phylactery. I have been trying to figure out how it works. It is seemingly a perpetual engine creating limitless Essence magic. I have taken a hammer to it but so far could only budge one facet. It leaks a small amount but clearly is still capable of bestowing great energy. The damage I was able to do created a small leak and apparently pure essence has a peppermint smell. My time runs short to our meetup window as well as the time it takes for my crew to mutiny against me. I might just have to crash this ship, I dont think that old man I bought it from years ago would want it back now that it became a vessel of war against his very people.   Attached to this letter is a signed official document. “Thank you for contacting me. I understand your dilemma and the discretion required for this situation. Upon further review of your notes I can agree that such a man, whom risked everything for the people of Pacura deserves to be buried among the very greatest of our citizens. I will personally complete this task so no others need to be burdened with the heavy truth of your mission. All the best, Mitchell the Royal Gravekeeper”

  • 190 AHM

    50 Newbloom

    Entry 22 - Flint Journals

    My name is Flint Lancashire, I fear today will be my last journal entry. I know that I will go down in history as a villain, I did not set out for this but my mistakes have consequences and I accept that. This evening I betrayed my countrymen of Typhon and stole an artifact of ancient power. I stowed some supplies I had stashed in my manor and got a crew together. These men have yet to hear of my betrayal so for now I am safe. If a letter arrives to any of them then it could spill the news that they are as wanted as me, meaning certain mutiny. Today I set sail away from Typhon, away from Lord Thresh, and away from the life I spent the last 6 years building. But alas, none of that matters, because for a brief moment, I have the Phylactery of the Magelord, the key to winning this war and immortality.

  • 190 AHM

    51 Newbloom

    Entry 23 - Flint Journals

    I left my hag of a wife to rot in our mansion with my spoiled bratty daughter. This is blunt but it's the truth, I guess. Although it doesn't favor me in a good light, I never loved my wife, I only used her to get to a position close enough to the Phylactery. My daughter is an unfortunate result of that relationship, lucky for me I can ease my conscience by believing my neighbour who told me the Gyaron military man stationed on Typhon was actually the father. It would explain the red hair my daughter had although for her hair was shifting to a bright blonde as she grew. I left them the home and the vast war fortune I have amassed over the last 6 years, this will be what little condolences I can give them as I stow away on a wanted ship running from the allies I have grown to trust over my time in the high command. None of that matters now, they have the wealth of the Lancashire Manor and the embarrassment of now being related to me, a traitor. Luckily, her father is high enough in command that I doubt they will take it from them, just change the name and pretend I never existed in the high society of Typhon. I am writing this as I flee with the phylactery in hand, who knows if I will get where I am seeking or if the great goddess Sootha will welcome me into her embrace at the bottom of the ocean. I unfortunately could not grab all my journal entries, I reread these notes sometimes to justify why I am putting myself through such torment for the tool which gives immortality. I also cringe at the letters written by myself in my youth, it's painful but I see the journey it set me on. Even that last sentence proves why this was worth it. I have the immortal life and Thresh will die in a hole, as will most other people in Pacura as he sweeps across the islands searching for it. Above even seeing my wife and child one last time, I would return to the Lancashire Manor just to retrieve my notes, so someday someone might be able to understand what I did and why I did it.

  • 190 AHM

    52 Newbloom

    Entry 24 - Flint Journals

    I have been at seas for a few days since my escape. The men have been receiving letters and I fear they know I am a traitor. They have rallied behind a short little mercenary who recieved word from his goblin brethren back on Typhon. I write in haste behind locked doors in my quarters.
      I cherished our friendship and am sorry I will not get to our meeting spot. We were so close to completing our mission. I wish things had played out differently but for now I will take the Phylactery with me to a watery grave. Hopefully this will delay the inevitable rise of power from the next tyrant who finds it.
      I would have reached my destination but with a two day sail to Kinaros landing directly on the solstice, I just can't see myself making it. After all these years unfavourable winds and goblins who can read are what stops me.
      Say goodbye to the crew for me, I know Ivan and Raven are busy running Ios and starting a family of their own. Thank Cortez for getting me off of Typhon all those years ago, hopefully he proposes to Nocturna soon because she can do better and she'll realize that soon enough. Make sure to give Parselax a belly rub for me, as dangerous as he was I always enjoyed feeding him those nasty oily raw chickens.
      Flint Oly Lancashire *kept on Morty's person because it's his last letter from his friend*

  • 190 AHM

    53 Newbloom

    Entry 25 - Flint Journals

    Before I am killed I will send this final entry to Mortimer along with a letter for him. He will know where I am going. I am thinking back on the little things. The fact that I have 2 daughters, Claire that thinks I am a coward and Quinn that doesn’t know I live but am the reason her mother is dead. I think back to my father who chased me from my home but also the good times when we would sit and solve anagrams together. I remember being so giddy being out in the world that I came up with a false identity to hide my connection to him. Flint Oly Lancashire. Sounds so unreal as I write it out for the final time. I remember who I once was and wonder if there is ever a chance to be that boy again. I’ll write my birth name once more to see if it feels familiar. ~~~~ Clifton ~~~~ It doesn’t. I’m not him, I’m not Flint, I’m not a member of the Mutiny nor the Fleet, I am an unknown or a shame to my daughters, I am hated by my wife and cursed by my lover. I will be remembered as a traitor or a nobody. A nobody who prolonged a bloody war at the Battle of Red. No one will know that this artifact was even a factor but I will die knowing I kept my promise to Mortimer to help save the world. Morty If you have time could you let Claire know that I am sorry I was a terrible father. I understand that she hates me. Also, I sent you a locket that was important to me, I gave it to Kindra when we were together. Could you please give this piece of writing to Quinn? Once you feel as though the Phylactery is no longer a threat of course, I don't want to throw away all the work we have done.
      I'll see you next time brother, whether it's in this life or the next.