Galfin Season 01 Session 02 01

Season 01 Session 02 01

6/3 2:00

Sossari and Nuada got split up in the darkness of the forest. Sossori met Snerz, a batgoblin whose family all was taken by cultists. He could not fly as he had holes in his wings. Cortez did not die by the hands of some wild boar, he survived but was angry with the party. Christopher was the only one who helped. Christopher and Cortez met Henry the Ghost Pirate on the Eastern Shore (near the burnt down statue where Diggory's son was found). Christopher, Cortez and Henri find Sossari and Snerz. Located the turtle boat, the Tortuga. You find a clearing with a Mayan-esque temple and a ton of cultists in masks. Eelisma was at the top of the pyramid throwing batgoblin sacrifices into a pit of fire. Party interrupted ritual, attacked Eelisma and then ran. Fish-eyed woman shoots a life-draining beam and almost killed some people.

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