Galfin The Burning Hunt

The Burning Hunt

Life, Achievement/ Win


Charison fights a Dwarven Cat, he feels triumphant to have defeated a beast so soon after he left home.   Penoir digs grave for murdered Dwarven Cat   Chapter 4 - The Burning Hunt   Charison had never left the Jags. He had heard of the other fire Elves becoming weak or losing their powers altogether when they left the heat of the mountains but not Charison; if anything, he felt stronger. As Charison reached the bottom of the Firefang Jags, he was astounded. The young Fire Elf had never seen such blue sky before. He was so used to the smog of the mountains that he didn't realize how beautiful the view could be. As Charison peered at the blue beauty before him, he saw two shadows of what looked to be Fire Elf in shape but with great wings spanning from their backs.   "RAAAAAWWWWWR!"   Charison's head snapped down to see an immense feline standing before him. The golden cat stood tall and proud before the unknowing Elf. It's mane covered most of its head, stomach and back. The teeth were the length of an arm and its paws even bigger. Charison, believing to have found his adventure, sprinted towards the Dwarven Cat conjuring flame swords as he ran. The Cat pounced at the Elf, narrowly missing the young warrior. Charison ducked and rolled under the beast, slicing and charring it's stomach as he did. the Dwarven Cat, clearly wounded, pounced at Charison again and put a large gash in the Fire Elf's light green skin. In a fit of pain and fury, Charison's temper erupted like the lava oceans of his home. The furious Fire Elf conjured an enormous flame construct, resembling the Dwarven Cat itself. The beast growled at the Fire Cat to no avail, the Construct leapt forward, melting into a river of flame as it neared the Dwarven Cat.   Charison was calming down and his construct faded away to reveal the giant cat motionless in a singed crater, some of its fur was still aflame. The Fire Elf started walking away from the beast towards a distant castle, whether it was through intelligence or fear, Charsion made the right decision in walking away from where the Dwarven Cat came from.   Chapter 5 - The Burning Carcass   With the sight of the great towers of Skygarde coming into view through the morning mist, Penoir Nettlehut smelled something out of place. He could smell campfire, burnt food and the disturbing scent of burnt fur. As the mist faded, Penoir Nettlehut could see the nearby trees singed, some of the bushes and flowers were still aflame. Before the Dwarf, a Dwarven Cat lay dead on the ground. Penoir Nettlehut checked the pulse of the beast but there was no hope to save the mistreated animal. Penoir Nettlehut knew what must have done this; Fire Elves are the only beings in all of Galfin with enough knowledge of Fire Conjuring to cause this much destruction. The Plain Dwarf had only met one Fire Elf before, it was almost thirty years ago; this Elf was brash but valorous and Penoir Nettlehut trained him to be more level-headed so he could control his great powers. Penoir Nettlehut's generosity had run out years ago, he no longer sought out to help strangers because they most likely didnt deserve his charity. Penoir Nettlehut spent the rest of the morning digging a grave for the large cat, he knew that Beruka Nettlehut was stable in the doctor's care and his Gods would smile upon her if he properly sent the Dwarven Cat to the afterlife. After the grave was filled in and a short prayer was uttered, Penoir Nettlehut set off; following the path of the burnt landscape towards Skygarde