Galfin Season 1 Session 7 01

Season 1 Session 7 01


After some shenanigans (such as putting gunpowder in all the guards’ pockets) and finding your ship being upgraded in the auction yard, the party breaks their ship out of an auction yard with a ship builder by the name of Mako. During the battle Snerz got roped up on the docks. A drowning guard pushed a flaming barrel in front of the escaping Gobsnapper. Snerz picked up a cannonball and jumped into the water to neutralize the gunpowder. The remaining guards took aim on the Gobsnapper and aimed the mortars. As the ship was about to be fired upon, Snerz revealed that he had retained the teachings of Sossori and wild shaped his way into the hearts of the party. He was their best friend.

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