Wageor Silverstaff Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Wageor Silverstaff

Wageor Silverstaff

Biological parent of Serlo Silverstaff   4e   Wageor, the eccentric and reclusive member of the Silverstaff family, is renowned for his peculiar experiments and unorthodox magical practices. With a mane of wild, unkempt white hair that crackles with residual magical energy, Wageor exudes an aura of untamed power. His mismatched eyes, one a vibrant amber and the other an icy blue, are said to have glimpsed into other dimensions. Wageor is an alchemist extraordinaire, delving fearlessly into the realms of forbidden transmutations and elixir concoctions. He has made significant breakthroughs in potion brewing, including the development of a potion that temporarily grants the ability to see and interact with ethereal beings. Wageor's laboratory is a chaotic fusion of bubbling cauldrons, glowing vials, and curious specimens, a testament to his relentless pursuit of arcane knowledge. He is also known for his peculiar pet, a small draco with shimmering silver scales and the mischievous ability to teleport short distances at will.
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