Vasilis Drevkov Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Vasilis Drevkov

General Vasilis Drevkov was a prominent military figure and advisor to the young Aefic Oakhand during his reign as the Mageking of Vuulydon. With a reputation for tactical brilliance and unwavering loyalty to the Oakhand bloodline, General Drevkov played a pivotal role in shaping Aefic's transformation into a radicalized leader.
  General Drevkov possessed a deep-rooted belief in the inherent power and superiority of the Oakhand bloodline. He saw the potential of Aefic's magical abilities and saw himself as a guardian of the ancient traditions and magical heritage of Vuulydon.
  Under the guidance of General Drevkov, Aefic became increasingly radicalized, embracing the notion that the Oakhand bloodline was destined to rule over the commoners and establish a magocratic empire. Drevkov fueled Aefic's ambitions, instilling in him a sense of entitlement and righteousness that justified the suppression of dissenting voices and the expansion of Vuulydon's influence.
  General Drevkov's strategic mind and military prowess were instrumental in suppressing opposition and ensuring the dominance of the Oakhand regime. He devised military campaigns that aimed to crush dissent, expand Vuulydon's territory, and enforce the dominance of the magical bloodline. The general's unwavering loyalty and fervent belief in the Oakhand cause made him a trusted confidant and enforcer of Aefic's increasingly oppressive rule.
  As the architect of Aefic's radicalization, General Vasilis Drevkov left an indelible mark on Vuulydon's history, forever altering the fate of the nation and laying the foundations for the formation of the Vul'Adnian Magistrate.
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