Treesapp Mage Profession in Galfin | World Anvil

Treesapp Mage

​Treesapping is an ancient gift of the Wood Elves. All of the tree-bound elves have the ability to animate plant life, heal while in the sun and make vegetation grow quickly; but only the treesapp mages have been taught the art of treesapping. In the Forest of Incantation, the wood elves live high up in the branches of the elder trees. The ancient trees are much more than the structural support for the elven city; they are also the totem that hold the culture together. Treesapping is when a mage passes away, his memories are transferred into an elder tree, essentially aiding all wood elves who seek help with a task that their ancestors have completed. Even the common wood elf can use the memories to cause "visions" to see into the eyes of a deceased treesapp mage. This abilities can be useful for younglings to train or for an adventuring hunter to avoid a den of galtoise; the quadrupedal carnivorous reptiles that live in the forest, that a deceased treesapp mage had fallen victim to. Either way, the treesapp mages are what keeps the elven culture strongly rooted to tree top civilization.​