Tibb Eest Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Tibb Eest

Tibb Eest

Biological parent of Dimia Eest   Tibb Eest, a compassionate member of House Eest, possesses a gentle nature and a deep understanding of herbal medicine. With his warm, olive-toned complexion and kind, empathetic eyes, Tibb is the island's trusted healer and caretaker. He spends his days tending to the sick and injured, using his vast knowledge of medicinal plants found in the jungles of Eidon. Tibb's soothing presence and skilled hands bring comfort and healing to those in need, making him an invaluable member of the community. His commitment to the well-being of others and his profound connection to the healing powers of nature make him a beloved figure among the islanders.
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