Sludgeheart Species in Galfin | World Anvil


The Sludgeheart is a type of construct that is known for its corrosive and toxic properties. It is made up of a mixture of chemicals, slime, and other foul substances that have been magically bound together to form a single entity. The Sludgeheart has a bulbous and amorphous shape, making it difficult to predict its movements. Its form is constantly shifting, with the noxious fluids it is made of sloshing and squishing with each step it takes.
  Its body is covered in a corrosive acid that can dissolve metal and other materials, and its attacks are capable of causing serious damage to anyone who comes too close. Additionally, the mere presence of a Sludgeheart can poison the air and water around it, making the area uninhabitable to most living creatures.
  The Sludgeheart is often used as a tool of destruction by those who have the power to control it. They use it to attack enemy fortifications, or to eliminate rival factions. Some people fear the Sludgeheart, while others see it as a powerful weapon to be wielded in times of war.