Skiron - Storms and Fate Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Skiron - Storms and Fate

God of Storms and Fate   Chaotic Neutral   Skiron is the powerful deity of storms and fate, worshiped by sailors, farmers, and those who depend on the weather. Skiron, the God of Storms and Fate, is a fierce and unpredictable deity with an elemental and bestial nature. It is often depicted as a massive, winged beast, part lion and part eagle, with fur and feathers the color of the raging storm clouds it commands. Its eyes are said to flash with lightning and its roar can shake the very earth. Skiron is known to be a capricious deity, sometimes bringing needed rain and at other times unleashing devastating storms that wreck ships and destroy crops. Some believe that he controls the winds of fate itself, and that by praying to him they can influence the outcome of important events in their lives. His followers often make offerings of valuable items or sacrifices of livestock to appease his wrath and gain his favor.   Also represented in Calua as a lesser deity, a magical Djinn-being that throws lightning. Skiron (Sahtaran in Calua) invites those who have died of a lightning strike to serve at his castle in the sky as he believes being struck by lightning is a sign of great luck.
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