Shiverblaze Species in Galfin | World Anvil


The Shiverblaze are ghostly creatures that haunt the world. They are made of a cold, blue-white flame that flickers and dances like a wild fire. These creatures are ethereal, passing through solid objects and leaving a chill in their wake. Despite their ghostly appearance, they are deadly and can cause intense cold and even death with a single touch.
  The Shiverblaze are said to be the spirits of the unjustly wronged, burning with anger and seeking revenge. They often haunt dark, abandoned places, and their eerie, flickering light can be seen from far away. Those who encounter a Shiverblaze are warned to stay far away, for their touch can freeze the soul as well as the body. Some say that the Shiverblaze can be appeased with offerings or by righting the wrong that caused their fiery anger, but few have been brave enough to try.
  The presence of once can be felt as a room's temperature drops, then suddenly any open flame begins to burn bright blue.