Rohbaan - Family Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Rohbaan - Family

God of Family
  Neutral Good
  Rohbaan is a benevolent deity of family and community, who watches over all who value the bonds of kinship and connection. Depicted as a middle-aged woman with a warm smile and kind eyes, she wears simple but well-tailored clothing and carries a staff adorned with family heirlooms and trinkets.
  Rohbaan is the matron of marriages, childbirth, and all aspects of family life. She encourages her followers to nurture their relationships with loved ones and to extend that love to their larger community. Those who seek her favor often build shrines or altars in their homes, and hold regular family gatherings or community events in her honor.
  Though she is generally considered to be a peaceful and gentle deity, Rohbaan can become fiercely protective of those she considers to be her "family." Those who harm or threaten her followers, or who seek to undermine the bonds of kinship, may face her wrath. Despite this, Rohbaan is ultimately a god of compassion and unity, who seeks to bring all families together in a spirit of love and mutual support.
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