Rock Gnome Ethnicity in Galfin | World Anvil

Rock Gnome

  The rock gnomes of Teslite are a reclusive and solitary race, known for their love of building and crafting with their hands. They are skilled at working with a wide range of materials, and they are known for their ability to create and repair a wide range of structures and objects.   Unlike the bronze and forest gnomes, the rock gnomes do not have family names or add their craft to their names. They tend to be more solitary and independent, and they value the sense of accomplishment that comes from building and creating something with their own two hands.   The rock gnomes are also known for their love of building golems, which they see not as automatons but as companions. The rock gnomes are said to have a deep understanding of the magical energies that animate these constructs, and they are able to imbue them with a sense of life and personality.
Encompassed species