Parisa Severin Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Parisa Severin

Descendant of a 4E aristocrat. old family in Sivermound. Parisa was one of the few women who led the Veilanx as a captain. She has since retired and joined the private sector. She was hired by Jericho to run his martial defense in his election campaign for Silver Senate   Parisa Severin is a seasoned veteran with a commanding presence. As a descendant of an old family from Silvermound, she carries herself with an air of nobility and authority. Parisa is known for her exceptional leadership skills and tactical prowess, which earned her the esteemed position of captain in the Veilanx City Guard, one of the few women to hold such a role.   After retiring from her position in the City Guard, Parisa has transitioned to the private sector and has been recently hired by the kingpin Jericho to run his martial defense in his campaign for the Silver Senate. She brings her wealth of experience and strategic acumen to bear in the cutthroat world of politics, where she uses her skills to rally supporters, manage resources, and protect her client's interests.   Parisa is a confident and assertive individual, unafraid to make tough decisions and take charge in challenging situations. She is known for her unwavering loyalty and dedication to her cause, and she is respected by her peers for her integrity and professionalism. Parisa is also well-versed in various forms of combat, having honed her skills through years of service in the City Guard, making her a formidable force in both battle and politics.
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