Mandrake Species in Galfin | World Anvil


The mandrake is a plant creature that has limited movement and takes the shape of a small, bulbous human. The root is hallucinogenic and narcotic and was used as an anesthetic for surgery in dire situations. The juice from the finely grated root of this creature was applied externally to relieve pains. When taken internally in large doses it was said to excite delirium and madness. It was also believed to bring good fortune or to cure sterility, and was made into amulets. There is a variation of the mandrake known as the howling mandrake, which is much larger and deadly. It is known to scream and drive those who hear it to madness, it is also larger than a bear once it is out of the ground. The regular mandrake is no larger than a human baby and screams like one but does not drive the listener to madness.  
by Brad Malott

Articles under Mandrake