Magical Factions in Galfin Document in Galfin | World Anvil

Magical Factions in Galfin

All organized magic is rooted in Fogholt, that's where the Magelord Adonis Oakhand wrote the first spellbook. From his mountain, many teachers set out to spread the word of written magic. Three major factions reside today, all a splinter group from the Northern King's emissaries.
  The Seekers
  The Seekers are a controversial group coming out of the border city of Westmoor. The university style building they work out of is called the Barad Roserae. Remus Silverstaff is the leader of this magic repository.
  The controversy stems from how they recruit their members. They send out emissaries throughout the world, seeking artifacts with magical properties or children with a strong connection to the magical plane. Anyone can learn magic, incant some spells and learn their way to being a half competant mage, the Seekers find those with innate gifts and spellcasting ability. They offer these people a way out from usually desperate situations. Famine, war or other downtrodden reasons. They make children swear an oath to the guild denouncing their family and all material connections so they can join the thinktank like structure of the seekers. They move to westmoor and begin studying, keeping magic knowledge within their own walls.
  At some point, a splinter faction from the teachers of magic set itself up in Westmoor, started by a member of the Silverstaff family. Working against the wishes of their magelord, The Seekers were formed to reel all knowledge back in, collecting books and people to concentrate all magical knowledge in one controlled place.
  The Triade of the Fallen Night
  A magic faction that has been at odds with the Seekers is the Triade of the Fallen Night. A group of mostly necromancers that were created in Dynastes, home of the dark elves. Although many other races have now joined their ranks. These two factions are not neccessary in a battle of ideals. They fight for control over new recruits and powerful magic.
  Kronimane, the powerful leader of the faction was killed a few years ago, this has left a power struggle within the necrotic school.
  Many join with the Triade with hopes of sseeing a loved one again or escaping death by befriending it.
  The Magi Guild of Skygarde The Wizard's Guild of Skygarde was founded by Boto Silverstaff, the master wizard. Any who wish to learn the skill of magic benefit from the great teachings of Boto and the excellent teachers at the Guild.
  Any who wish to learn to further their magic go to the Guild; even the elves who naturally have magical abilty go there to master their skills.
  Boto was also killed recently when he sacrificed his own life to stop an invasion of Skygarde
  In Closing
  These two notable deaths in the magic community has left Remus Silverstaff the most powerful influencer in the magic world. With this, his group that formally worked in the shadows has become much more prominent in the last year.