Magic's Prodigy: A Story of the Silverstaff Family Document in Galfin | World Anvil

Magic's Prodigy: A Story of the Silverstaff Family

The Silverstaff family has a strong history with magic in Galfin. They have a strong connection and natural ability to conjure spells. They are descendants of the Oakhand royal bloodline. The original Mountain King was a magelord who developed the first spells that man could learn. He sent out his people from the mountain kingdom of Fogholt to spread the knowledge of magic across the realm.
  (hundreds of entries of powerful Silverstaff family members.)
  Remus and Boto
  A recent famous quarrel was when two young Silverstaff brothers, both about to be sworn into the Seekers, erupted into a powerful magical fight where Boto Silverstaff and Remus dueled for hours into a draw. Boto wished to spread knowledge and went on to form the Wizard's Guild in Skygarde, an open door to all who wished to learn and get help. Remus, after his show of power, quickly rose to the top of the Seekers. The brothers represented two sides to magic, freedom and chaos vs control and order.