Lishara Character in Galfin | World Anvil


Deathscrier who fled to Pacura after scriers went missing
  Hailing from the vast stretches of the Caluan Desert, Lishara found refuge in the welcoming embrace of Driord. As a Deathscrier, she possesses the rare ability to commune with the departed using the sacred Ancestral Ink. These seers are held in high esteem within their homeland, but a shadow of mystery enveloped them when several went missing. Fearing for her own safety and driven by a quest for answers, Lishara journeyed to Pacura, carrying with her the ancient practices of her people and the hope of finding sanctuary away from the unseen dangers of the mainland.
  As a Deathscrier, Lishara channels the wisdom of the departed under the watchful gaze of the moon goddess. Her deep connection to Creseident allows her to bridge the realms, offering insights and messages from beyond. With her desert origins and profound abilities, she serves as a guiding beacon to all who seek the goddess's blessings.
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