Lirin Snowheart Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Lirin Snowheart

Bardur is a vibrant and bustling province capital, with a mix of Arctic Dwarf and Frelheid that call it home. The town is alive with activity, even on the dreariest of days. Colorful banners and bunting adorn the streets and buildings, and the town square is always filled with merchants selling their wares.
  The people of Bardur are devout followers of Tinnadu the Seabringer, and there is a grand temple dedicated to the deity that dominates the skyline. The temple is known for its towering spires and intricate carvings, and it is a popular destination for pilgrims from all over the region.
  The Jarl of Bardur is Lirin Snowheart, a wise and just leader who is beloved by her people. Under her rule, the town has prospered, and many new buildings and developments have been erected. A strong military presence is maintained in Bardur, with the fortress of Berg Sahan standing guard over the town.
  Bardur is perhaps best known for its vibrant carnival, which makes its way through the town once a year. The carnival offers a wide range of games, food, and entertainment, and people come from all over the province to take part in the festivities. The atmosphere is electric, and the air is filled with the sound of laughter and music. It's a time for celebration and joy, and for forgetting about the worries of the world outside.
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