Letter from Moasis 212 Document in Galfin | World Anvil

Letter from Moasis 212

“I know you are mad, as someone as old as I am, I know that time can cure all wounds. You can be mad at me all you want as well as my sister. The battles of lesser gods and monarchies of man are frankly, less and less of our concern. Ana did not let her school fall into corruption, she simply let mortals do what they always do and muck things up.
  I am trying to write truthfully and honestly because I need to understand why you would do what you did. I’m not naive, I know it wasn’t you, yet. When we arrived at the Silver Sun we went to ensure our brother was locked away. To my amazement, you stood there. Not you from now but you much older, a proper woman who has lived a life. You wore an orange timekeeper cloak and stood beside a similarly dressed goblin with a silver hand. Before we could stop them… before we could stop you. You vanished in a blue sphere with Vastiniaan unchained and full of vengeance. Maybe the allure of his infinite knowledge got to you, maybe my old eyes deceived me. The woman was more draconic and maybe the cloak hid a hint of wings. I also don’t recall you having a flintlock built into your leg. But if it was you, and my understanding of chronomancy is correct, nothing I can say to you now will prevent this from happening in the future… unless you were to die, but I will not bear what that would do to my immortal heart or the timestream itself. I wish you well Tristane, and I pray for you to not go down the path I now know that you will take.”