Letter from Iris Document in Galfin | World Anvil

Letter from Iris

“To the Hero of Adrionne, my protector.
  Thank you for singing to me, both before and after your transformation. I was going down the wrong path to save my people when I should have followed my aunt Alyssum’s footsteps and spit at the Kingfishers. I have returned to Adrionne and although the current fret is over, the forest weeps. We pray to Kishar but we don’t hear the wind blow or smell the flowers. This rot spreading across the Incantum is alarming, we are protecting ourselves the best we can. A sickness grows here without the protector of the Woods. I just hope Kishar returns to us soon, we need her more now than ever. I was told you were travelling to Clarion. The simple mention of this place sent my auntie into a fit. I could see both loss and love in her eyes as she remembered a life long passed. I hope to greet you in good health and am glad you have the chance to live your life.
  Crimson Princess Iris.”