Lady Savhan Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Lady Savhan

Goddess mother of Life
  wolf eyes
  large weeping statue in Raven's Crest where the tears flow into an ethereal fountain.
  Lady Savhan, the Divine Mother of Life, reigns over the realms of creation and vitality with a captivating and enigmatic presence. A malevolent yet awe-inspiring goddess, she embodies the essence of femininity and nurturance, her piercing wolf eyes holding both wisdom and an otherworldly intensity.
  In the heart of Raven's Crest, a city graced by her divine influence, stands a magnificent and poignant sight—a towering weeping statue of Lady Savhan. Carved with meticulous detail, the statue captures the goddess in a moment of profound sorrow, tears cascading down her ethereal face. These sorrowful tears, instead of causing grief, flow into an enchanted fountain, creating an ethereal spectacle of shimmering life energy.
  The ethereal fountain that springs forth from Lady Savhan's statue serves as a source of vitality and rejuvenation for the denizens of Raven's Crest. Its waters possess healing properties, capable of mending wounds and revitalizing weary souls. The divine tears that mingle with the crystalline waters are believed to carry the goddess's blessings and sacred essence.
  Devotees and pilgrims gather around the statue, seeking solace and renewal in the divine presence of Lady Savhan. They offer prayers and tributes, beseeching her for her abundant life-giving powers, and find solace in the soothing ambiance of the ethereal fountain. It is said that those who immerse themselves in its revitalizing waters experience a profound connection to the cycle of life and an invigorating sense of purpose.
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