Jandar Verki Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Jandar Verki

4E 555 - 400   Leader of the Verki clan and Valhedge. His people housed the armies as the final push of the Onyx elves forced the monstrosities into the far north. Jandar fought alongside the Six and was seen as a powerful leader and hero.   The Verki clan would take the offence of the Six being revered as demi gods while Jandar stood toe to toe with them while only being a mortal, not gifted any powers by Dhara upon his death.   He is the Jaagr of the North, in charge of the Jaagrom of Valhedge.   Jandar died of old age when he wandered into the Ayre Lands and found his pre built tomb, resting there, frozen from decay for his ancestors to revere in their own right, even though he was never given godly powers.
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