House of Faintree Organization in Galfin | World Anvil

House of Faintree

House Faintree, a lesser noble family residing in the capital of Skygarde, carries a captivating history deeply intertwined with the realm's aristocracy. The Faintrees' rise in social status began when Cristyn Faintree, a member of the family, married Reginald Skytracer, a cousin of the royal Skytracer family.
  Originating from a lineage of skilled arborists and lovers of nature, House Faintree is renowned for their deep connection to the realm's forests and their dedication to the preservation of the natural world. Their ancestors were revered for their expertise in forestry, the cultivation of rare plants, and their stewardship of the land. This nature-oriented heritage has granted House Faintree a reputation for their affinity for the natural world, their commitment to environmental sustainability, and their love for the realm's lush greenery.
  The sigil of House Faintree features a majestic oak tree in full bloom, its branches extending proudly against a backdrop of vibrant forest green. The oak tree symbolizes the family's connection to nature, their strength, and their enduring resilience. It represents their commitment to nurturing the land, the growth of their family's influence, and their dedication to environmental harmony. The vibrant forest green background reflects their deep bond with nature and their aspiration to safeguard the realm's natural resources.