House of Edris Organization in Galfin | World Anvil

House of Edris

The House of Edris, hailing from Valhedge, has long been overshadowed by greater northern houses. Yet, their marriage into the noble Heartstring Clan marked the beginning of their ascent in status and recognition. With roots in the cold embrace of the North, the Edris family upholds many of the values found in their Heartstring kin, such as unwavering loyalty, deep connection to the land, and a sense of community.
  While not herders or fishermen like the Heartstrings, the Edris clan carved out their own niche in Valhedge through trade and skilled craftsmanship. They've been known for producing some of the finest textiles in the North, weaving intricate patterns that tell tales of old. Many Edris family members have ice-blue eyes, a distinguishing trait, believed to be a sign of their deep connection with the icy realms of Adrarct. Often, they braid their hair, intertwining it with silver charms symbolizing their history.
  Lyn Edris stands as a beacon of hope for her house. Her bid for the title of Eastqueen not only exemplifies her ambition but also the dreams of her ancestors. With the collective history and values of the Heartstrings and Edris families behind her, and the unique alliance with the rebellious goblin Grit Bladescum, Lyn is more than just another contender. She embodies a blend of tradition and cunning, with a promise of a unified future for the Eastern realms she seeks to lead.
  The sigil is an elegant, symmetrical emblem. At its center is a circular, ice-blue disc, symbolizing the frozen heart of the north and the distinctive eyes of the Edris family. Spanning outward from this icy disc are intricate, silver weaved patterns, representing the renowned textiles for which the family is famed. These patterns spiral out, much like tendrils or roots.
  Surrounding the disc on its upper half is a stylized, silver-edged mountain peak, showcasing their northern origins in Valhedge. On the lower half, beneath the icy disc, a pair of crossed looms signify their craftsmanship.
  Colors: The primary colors are a deep navy blue, representing the night skies of Klaksol, and silver, signifying both the wealth from their trades and their ties to the icy terrains of the North.
  Motto: "Strength in Threads" - capturing both their renowned textile craft and the interconnectedness of their lineage and alliances.