Fleet of the Stormblood: The Great Mutiny Document in Galfin | World Anvil

Fleet of the Stormblood: The Great Mutiny

Fleet of the Stormblood
  4E, 223rd day of the Year 180, Firstfrost;
  A pact was signed joining the 9 nations of Pacura known as The Fleet of the Stormblood.
  * The Farmers of Eidon
  * The Builders of Gyaron
  * The Wayfarers of Hydri
  * The Millers of Ios
  * The Fishers of Kinaros
  * The Shipbuilders of Kyra
  * The Sailmakers of Milos
  * The Warriors of Typhon
  * The Sailors of Zephyr
  Before this pact most of the islands worked for their own betterment but this brought the divided nation together. Oddly is was speaheaded by one of the least friendly members of the Stormbloods, Lord Thresh.
  The Great Mutiny
  In the beginning, everything was going well for the different provinces, everyone traded and exchanged their goods and wares for the betterment of
  Pacura as a whole. Soon though, the islands with more military force began pushing the smaller islands aside.4E, 111th day of the Year 181, Aridheat. The less than a year old treaty was beginning to crumble as power players began making their move. The evening of this day was the first day of open war in a nearly 15 year long feud.
  was led by a cunning, merciless Stormblood known as Thresh . He coerced other leaders to join him and take complete control of the Fleet of the StormbloodThresh
  of Typhon sent out letters to Branahan of Zephyr , Lyna of Gyaron and Kindra of Kyra.Kindra
  was the only Stormblood to refuse his offer of power.Kindra
  put a target on her back when she refused the dictator that was Thresh . He immediately sent his army to strongarm the people of Kyra . She warned the other islands as hers was attacked in the first physical provocation that would lead to a 30 year blood-fued over who would become the first Ocean King or Queen since their great, great ancestor Oceanus Tempest.Kindra
  and Thresh became the figureheads for the two opposing sides within the same army. Stormbloods from all 9 nations needed to pick a side.Kindra
  of Kyra was able to round up Diggory of Eidon , a young Ivan Maleck of Ios , Winella of Kinaros , Magnus of Hydri and Kristoff of Milos .The Unlikely Uniter
  After the initial act of war from Typhon, many moved their families out of the islands, this became a great reward for pirates that sailed those seas as they were able to pick off afraid and weak families on the run. One 16 year old pirate decided to act against his worse nature and help the people on the run. This boy was named
  Mortimer. As his heroic deeds in the Pacuran's hour of need became that of legend, Kindra asked him to join the Great Mutiny . This was a turning point in the war against the tyrants. Morty was naturally gifted at leadership and reorganized the entire resistance.For a year, he outsmarted the power hungry
  Thresh and proved his superiority on the sea. After a few upgrades and a little help from acid spitters from a faraway land, Mortimer 's ship was dubbed The Kraken. A feared ship that was comparable to a force of nature. Morty and Kindra led the resistance even with fewer numbers and resources. They sailed out of the bayou swamp of Ios as a staging point for their rebellion.The Cowardly Traitor
  Another person, who no one would have expected to drive a wedge in the books of history, was a lowly
  Typhon stowaway running form the call-to-arms at home. His beginnings are mostly forgotten by the common folk, for his last act was what will write him as a traitor to the rebellion for all of written and spoken history.Flint
  was a likable man. He made a moral choice to leave Typhon after it's attack on Kyra and opted to help the Great Mutiny . After the initial mistrust wained, Flint became a respectable sailor on the Golden Fleece . As an educated man, he read the maps and helped predict the weather to assist his captain, Kindra of Kyra .Whether through the long sail conversations or the lack of better options,
  Kindra and Flint fell in love. They spent much time in her quarters discussing everything you can imagine, from cleaning the decks to "cleaning the decks" . They planned a future together. Kindra did not want her love to get killed while she captained the second most well-known ship in the Pacuran sea. She sent him away to be a letter writer for Captain Mortimer on The Kraken , for even though it was the most notorious, Morty had never lost a sea battle.She did not have the heart to tell him that she was pregnant with his child, a daughter eventually born as
  Quinn : future Stormblood of Kyra . She honestly believed she might die in this revolution before her baby was born. The reason why this lowly man with a lover as venerable and honorable as Kindra is so important to history was not for his luck with the ladies.After a raid on
  Ios , where Morty had docked The Kraken , Flint was captured by a Typhon raiding party. He showed his cowardice and told them he was a POW and wanted to serve the royal navy. This was the turning point for his life and the extinguisher of the rebellion's fire.The Battle of Red - 4E, 21st Day of the Year 187, Rainfall.
  Flint was kept in a Gyaron prison where he worked on stone and wrote in his journal all day. After leaving the work camp, he ended up working for 3 years below deck on
  Lord Thresh of Typhon 's ship the Onyx Stallion . At this point, even though Flint did not know it, his daughter was around three years old. One of the most deadly and famous battles during the active wartime of the Great Mutiny was when the Onyx Stallion and the Golden Fleece faced off in open sea combat.The two ships were expertly piloted but the battle was looking terrible for
  Thresh . Before the night was won, two more legendary ships joined the fray. The Kraken piloted by Captain Mortimer and the Blackfly piloted by Thresh 's son Thormund.As cannonballs sheered the ship apart, Flint
  the lowly deckhand, ran his way to the upper deck. Accounts of that days were that the sea ran red as hunter sharks circled the battle. Captain Mortimer was known for swinging across great distances to board an enemy ship, taking them down single handedly. Mortimer swung to the Onyx Stallion , planning to put an end to this mutiny with a single bullet to Thresh's skull. Flint ran up to be face to face with his old captain. Mortimer did not kill him, he simply looked down at him in dissapointment. He brushed off his former letter writer and went to find Thresh .In a fit of rage, Flint
  decided to try and prove himself. Not to Mortimer , as his moral choice three years previous would have sided with. He walked up to the ballista on the front of the ship, took aim at Lord Thormund's ship and saw that his former lover was in a duel with the young captain of the Typhon ship. Flint had a blink of an eye to decide which halls of history he wanted to be remembered in. He decided to become a heartless traitor to the resistance. Flint pulled the trigger on the large crossbow just as Kindra turned towards him. She locked eyes with him and a large smile spread across her face. The man she loved was alive. In that second, she felt her feet leave the ground as she barely saw the large arrow sticking out of her chest. She reached for Flint as she fell into the blood red water below. Flint was said to have fell to his knees weeping but the guilt he felt did not matter. He made a decision to join the tyrants and singlehandedy extended the war another 5 years.The battle ended with
  Mortimer having to retreat to his ship as the Golden Fleece's crew was defeated, making this his first ship battle loss since he took control. Thresh promoted Flint for saving his son and many more lives were lost because of this lowly deckhand's inherent evil and greed. It is said that he had a wife and kids and was buried in the sea when his own men turned on him. At least that's what the rumours say.5 more years of bloodshed continued until Thresh went mad and killed himself and his wife in front of their son Thormund. This offset the balance of power and the war slowly diminished but the wounds never healed. All nine nations have now been in a state of cold war for 22 years.
Manuscript, Historical