Doth Kai Ethnicity in Galfin | World Anvil

Doth Kai

Sea people, darker skin, thin eyes, only the strong survive, the water and harsh waters kill many but that is meant to be if someone isn't strong enough.   The Doth Kai are a proud and rugged people in this world, known for their seafaring ways and strong beliefs in survival of the fittest. They have darker skin and thin eyes, reflecting their close relationship with the harsh and unforgiving waters they call home. The Doth Kai believe that only the strong can survive the trials of the sea, and that those who cannot withstand the challenges are not meant to live. Despite the difficulties they face, the Doth Kai maintain a deep connection to the ocean and their traditional way of life, valuing strength and resilience above all else.


Common Dress code

Doth Kai

Skintone Range
Hair Color Range
Eye Color
Encompassed species