Doc Faseali of the Menders Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Doc Faseali of the Menders

Doctor Faseali theorizes the world continue onwards passed the known world but energy and landmass invert in strange ways.
  Doctor Faseali, with his distinctive olive skin, oversized glasses, and curly white hair, is a prominent figure among the Bronze Gnomes. As a member of the Menders of Teslite, he is recognized and respected for his dedicated role as a helper within gnome society. Yet, what truly sets him apart is his unconventional theory. Doc Fasesli passionately argues that the world extends beyond known boundaries, where energy and landmass behave in peculiar, inverted manners. While some peers deem his ideas radical, none can deny the fervor and conviction with which he pursues his hypotheses.
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