Bargiran Kraal Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Bargiran Kraal

Bargiran Kraal

Biological parent of Hisyar Kraal   5e   Thriving in the vibrant city of Odell, Bargiran Kraal upholds the traditions of House Kraal with unwavering loyalty and martial skill. As a male Caluan Sandcloak, Bargiran embodies the spirit of the desert warriors, exhibiting resilience, discipline, and a strong connection to the Caluan heritage. With his tall and lean physique, he possesses both agility and strength, making him a formidable combatant. His ability to blend seamlessly with the sands grants him unparalleled stealth and tactical advantage. Bargiran's unwavering commitment to honor, integrity, and the Sandcloak code of conduct further cements his place within the esteemed lineage of House Kraal.
Current Location
Year of Birth
98 AHM 114 Years old