Aveis Zepest Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Aveis Zepest

Aveis Zepest

Biological parent of Shelstine Zepest
  Aveis, a member of the esteemed Zepest family, captivates with her radiant beauty and gentle kindness. Her lustrous, flowing locks of chestnut brown hair cascade down her back, framing her soft hazel eyes that exude warmth and kindness. Aveis possesses a deep affinity for nature and animals, spending her days tending to the family's vast estates and overseeing the well-being of the island's wildlife. Her nurturing nature extends beyond the confines of Zephyr, as she actively promotes conservation efforts and environmental sustainability. Aveis's unwavering compassion and gentle spirit make her a beloved figure among the people of Zephyr, a guiding light in times of both joy and adversity.
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