Archibald Character in Galfin | World Anvil



Reverand   Worships Shireez at her temple on Gyaron, while inviting in those who worship her sister Sootha.   Archibald likes to carve wooden sculptures and places them around his church.   Met Reverand Archibald and he worshipped Sosarri after learning her patron deity is Shoreez, the Sky Goddess. Archibald looked at the stone carving Sossari did on the aquaduct statue and began carving other wooden representations of his deity to look like Sossari.   To prove her innocence Triss said she had correspondence with Reverand Archibald over the last few years. He had to mail letters to her address and he could prove she had been in Dias when the murders started.   Tayne, 4 guards holding Triss and Moira met at the Church of Shoreez, where they found bloody wooden statues with carvings on the faces covered in blood. At the front altar, Archibald's head was crushed in and gray matter was spread on the pews. He was murdered minutes before due to his body heat. Tayne could not let Triss go but no longer believed it was her.
Current Location
Year of Death
211 AHM
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by the notorious serial killer Joseph Dundee while he was trying to escape Gyaron.
Aligned Organization