Enwaigh Settlement in Galedon 2.0 | World Anvil
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A city by the river, population about 6000. It is known for it's hospitality, delicious food and many taverns and inns.   The city is half built on the river, and boats are a common way to navigate in the city. They also frequently sail to Morwaigh, as the trip along the river takes about half a day.   Being quite far south and not far from The Desert of Morwaigh, Enwaigh has a harsh climate with blazing hot days and cold nights. The river provides some refuge, but does not make the city immune to desert storms, that might reach this far from the desert too, although not as strong as they hit Morwaigh, which is closer to the desert. The two cities have a close relationship, and a busy waterway is being maintained between them along the river, with traffic rules and watchpeople. Travel along the river is quite safe, and there are some roads too that follow the course of the river, but the wilderness outside those safe havens is ruthelss and dangerous. There are wild animals that might attack, and the weather is unpredictable.   Enwaigh has a distinct cuisine. They gather herbs from the wildmark around the city, but also grow herbs and spices in their gardens. They use a lot of beans and grains in their food. They also use root vegetables and a lot of fruit. Fruity chilled infusions are a common non-alcoholic drink with food, refreshing in the heat. Fruit trees flourish on the riverbank, but the further from the river one goes, the drier and more sparce the vegetation becomes. Fish is an important part of the diet too, but meat is used sparingly, mostly during feasts and holidays.   People here dress in loose, flowy clothing, with simple designs. It is common for all genders to cover their head with shawls to protect from the heat. Gender roles are quite strong here, but kids are all raised the same, and as teenagers they choose which role they will take. This is celebrated with a ceremony, and it gives the individual the right to marry, buy a house etc. The choice can even be changed later, if the individual so wishes, for family reasons for example. This is not super common. Also it is not unheard of for people to choose both. Clothes indicate which social gender one presents, and if one is dressed in mens clothes, one will be treated as a man, and vice versa. Men's clothing includes long baggy pants and knee-length tunics, and they are usually light beige, yellow or green. Women's clothing includes also long baggy pants, but also long dresses with slits on the sides. They are usually light blue or violet and can be embroidered or otherwise embellished.   The people of Enwaigh city are part o the desert culture, which is mostly shared among all the people who live in the desert areas south of the mountains and as far as the coast areas too.


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