Galedon 2.0 Homepage | World Anvil
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Galedon 2.0


Galedon is a fantasy world, with a diverse and inclusive array of characters and settings. Magic is a natural, albeit sometimes feared part of the world. You will encounter friendly forest guardians who take you to their tree houses and feed you, spirits of trees and animals who want to hide and only help you if you bring them flowers half an hour before midnight and say the right words, and river monsters who will want to drag you to the deep and eat you.   There is a lot of folkloristic themes, and connection to nature is an important theme too. There is a lot of darkness too, but darkness cannot exist if there is no light, and it's up to you which side you choose to explore. Nothing is black and white, there is no pure good or evil, but everything depends on which side you're looking from.   Galedon started as fun project to set stories and roleplaying campaigns and larps in, when me and my friends were teenagers. Since then, I have continued to work on it on my own, but the core purpose remains the same, to have a setting for my stories and roleplaying campaigns and let my fantasy run amok. Galedon 2.0 is an improved version of our teenage creation.