Fabien Character in Galaxy of Exiles | World Anvil


At the beginning of The Empyrean, Fabien is a consul in The Hegemony, working under Magister Lavennon.  


Early life

Honeras was born into a political family and learned The Hegemony's system from an early age. However, he also took a keen interest in industry and pursued a wide range of subjects both in simulations and in classical education. By the time he made his first forays into local forums, he was well reputed among the Voidfarers and Heredrae, with many sympathetic contacts. Charismatic and intelligent, he was popular with most he came into contact with and, while treated with suspicion by other politicians at first, he soon won them around.  

Relationship with Palia

Given how vital agriculture is to a hegemony spanning hundreds of star systems, he eventually became acquainted with the Tennic family – namely Palia's father. Palia was nineteen at this point, only a year younger than him, and they grew close. After a brief period of casual dating they mutually decided they weren't interested in quite that way. They became fast friends instead and have remained in close contact ever since, even if Honeras' job makes him busy enough to stay out of contact for a week or two at a time.   That was back when Honeras was still known by his patres, Nessus.  When he was twenty-five, however, he settled a lengthy dispute between some Transitors and their Heredrae clients that had been causing economic trouble, food shortages and civil unrest. The solution he came to was so agreeable to all parties that he was popularly given the name 'Honeras' in recognition of his conduct. He has always found this faintly embarrassing.   Spoilers for The Empyrean

Working with the Kept

At some point once Fabien reached the rank of consul, the ruling Magister (Magister Lavennon) tasked him with a covert mission on the planet Munab. The Magister had heard intelligence of a technology the Technocracy were working on that might be capable of destroying The Empyrean. He funnelled resources to them then, when they had a working prototype, decided to send the Kept to steal it from them. Given the potential of the weapon to alter the balance of the galaxy, the Technocracy wouldn't have just handed it over, and the Kept's views aligned with the Magister's intent well enough that they could cooperate. Fabien was sent to keep the Kept in line and bring the prototype back along with the research. While on Munab, he had a casual relationship with a Kept woman called Maita.  
...he sent me there. To Munab. He sent me there to make sure the Kept stole his little pet project. He neither told me what it did nor what exactly it was for, he just said it was vital to protect our people from The Protectorate. And I went along with it like a fool.
  Fabien didn't know exactly what he was getting into and he certainly didn't know that the Magister had just accidentally killed his son by destroying Everatus IV. When he bumped into Palia as part of the group breaking the Technocracy researchers out of the Wilds, she told him everything that had happened. Horrified, he decided to work with her and her new friends against the Magister.  

A coup against the Magister

As soon as learning of Magister Lavennon's actions, Fabien began gathering resources for a coup against him. He had accumulated a lot of support over his career, so set about leveraging his network to get the Magister into an unwinnable position. Events moved faster than he had hoped, however, and while he did manage to win many people to his cause, he was still missing a good chunk of forces on the flagship.   Because of this, they had to fight their way through the flagship. Fabien successfully secured the consulate chambers while Palia and her team confronted Magister Lavennon.

Personality and traits

Fabien genuinely wants to make the galaxy a better place for people and improve the structure of the Hegemony and social mobility. He does have an ambitious streak, though, and is gratified by any laurels he is presented. He wouldn't contradict his morals to reach for an opportunity to rise, but he would massively increase his effort on a task, working late etc., if he thought it would benefit his position and authority.  

Skills and abilities

He has the perfect skillset to rise high in Hegemony politics, though his tendency to want to please everyone would probably cause him great stress if he were to become Magister.  


Full name
Fabien Colia Nessus Honeras
Year of Birth
23988 SRB
Short blonde hair, wave cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned


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