CoreSec Organization in Galaxy | World Anvil
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  The Corellian Security Bureau [CSB] was an intelligence group that operated within the Galactic Alliance's Corellian Sector. Loyal to the Corellian Sector, and more specifically Corellia herself, they operated a large number of component forces that served the interests of the Corellian Sector and its Defense Force. Despite being the main intelligence group within the Corellian Sector, they also operated as sector police and in a ground-based defense role, with the former being the most common role within the CSB.  


  Overseen by the Office of Corellian Security and operated out of Corellia itself, the Corellian Security Bureau, often abbreviated to CSB, was the Corellian sector's local police and anti-smuggling force. After several years of near-constant warfare against pirates, Core Imperial warlords, and rogue Sith fleets, a civilian government was restored as the chief executive body of the Corellian Sector and other worlds it had brought into its confederation. The transfer of power saw the end of the hyper militaristic government that had seen the sector through its stabilization effort after seceding from the New Republic and the return of true democratic authority. Casting aside its Corellian-centric rhetoric, the Confederation reformed into the High Republic and later the Galactic Alliance which saw a large shift in the balance of power. Where once a majority of the power lay in the Corellians and their massive military force, now it lay in the hands of its constituents. While a centralized military was founded in the short-lived government, draining much of the Corellian's original military might into the pool that would become the Grand Army and Grand Navy of the High Republic, a good portion of the Corellian Defense Force remained. What remained of the Defense Force was split down the middle, with the navy and most of its assets retaining the black and orange of the Defense Force and Naval Intelligence retaining the rest.  


  Depending on the branch, applicants will have required to pass a certain level of aptitude in their chosen field. Candidates of the Corellian Troopers or Smuggling and Interdiction would then be transferred to Fort Derik'hur after successful completion of their aptitude tests where they would be placed where they would best serve the Corellian Confederation. While individual requests may be made, they weren't always granted. One could also transfer from the Corellian Defense Force or their previous military station after extreme vetting. The two exceptions to this song and dance were members of the Special Operations Group, Intelligence Group, or CorSec Police. Special Operations and Intelligence officers were selected for their aptitude and service from existing members of Corellian Security or the Defence Force. Rarely, the CSB looked beyond its borders to extremely talented individuals of other persuasions to join their ranks as well and even rarer still, fresh recruits were sometimes plucked if their aptitude tests were high and a vetting process revealed high levels of loyalty to the Corellian Sector. CorSec Police, while taking required to take a similar aptitude test, were often trained on-site at their local precincts. The component forces of the CSB are organized into departments.  


    (CorSec) Corellian Police Force   CorSec was the local law enforcement of Corellia and member worlds of the Corellian Sector. Though they predominantly operated within the Corellian System due to individual planets within the sector often having their own local law enforcement, they did sometimes show up in neighboring systems with detectives sometimes searching all of the Galactic Alliance for their perps. Despite a lack of any real political or military power, inferior training, and a reputation for being some of the most corrupt people on Corellia, the sheriffs, deputies, detectives, and yes...Even the beat cops were the public face of the CSB. When someone's com pinged 272 it was these strong men and women that answered the emergency call. They dealt with petty crime, organized crime, murder, and various other civilian crimes.     (S&I) Smuggling and Interdiction   Dedicated to the security of the Corellian Run and the Corellian Trade Spine, Smuggling and Interdiction work tirelessly to apprehend criminals, monitor immigration, and work alongside the Corellian Defense Force providing starfighter and interdiction support. While not as nearly well equipped as the Defense Force, S&I operate a modest fleet of warships, starfighter carriers, and interdiction vessels to patrol the space lanes for minor criminals. The Immigration branch of S&I operates out of the various starports, spaceports, space stations, and listening posts to capture would-be smugglers and illegal immigrants. While transient workers are common in the Galaxy, it was important to keep track of who and what kind of people were entering and leaving various worlds within the Corellian Sector. Lax on some worlds and heavy with scrutiny on others, the Smuggling and Immigration branch had two jobs and they did it well. This group also operated undercover missions to expose smuggling and human trafficking rings throughout the sector. They often employed smugglers as informants and had a specific list of contraband that had priority above all else. High-end spice, illegal sentient trafficking, and Sith artifacts, though the latter was more difficult to track.   The Interdiction branch of S&I operated a small fleet of warships dedicated to providing extra support to local Defense Force officials and Galactic Alliance navy operations in the sector. While their official mandate was to watch for smugglers and sentient traffickers, they did sometimes tangle with pirates. The headquarters of S&I was also commanded under this branch and was a modified Corellian Resurgent Star Destroyer. Alongside the small warships they used, they also utilized modified freighters in their pursuits and looked for hotshot pilots to keep up with the highly modified freighters and shuttles of smugglers.     (CSI) Corellian Intelligence   Originally the Office of Corellian Naval Intelligence, Corellian Strategic Intelligence was the head of the Corellian Security Bureau snake. They operated various data retrieval, analysis, and investigation duties within the Corellian Security Bureau. As the core of the security force, CSI worked with Alliance SIA, the Galctic Alliance's Defense Force, the Corellian Defense Force, and whatever other galactic government it needed to to get the job done.   Loyalty Officers of the Counter-Espionage division were everywhere within Corellian society. They searched for would-be insurgents, foreign spies, and monitoring both Corellian Security Bureau and the Corellian Defense Forces for violations. When in uniform they wore the stark white uniforms of Corellian Security Loyalty Officers.   Commission of Operations dolled out assignments to every branch of the Corellian Security Bureau along with required intelligence briefings, dossiers, and equipment requisition manifests. While seemingly unimportant as they themselves did not collect or analyze much data, they were lifeblood that kept the machine of the Bureau going.   Tactical Strikes and Recon (TSR) is a branch of special scouts and field operatives. They often operated alongside Halcyon Commandoes as "Handlers". They were their direct superiors on the ground. Outside of that, they operated undercover black ops where secrecy and efficiency were key.   (CSOps) Corellian Special Operations   Corellian Special Operations, or CSOps, was the component force of the Corellian Security Bureau that handled a variety of secret programs and provided security to the highest-ranking officials of the Corellian Sector. These groups included the senator of Corellia, the Diktat, the Director, and various high-ranking military personnel and occasionally high-priority Council members. They often had carte blanche in regards to their mission to varying degrees.   Halcyon Operations The most infamous branch of CSOps. Developed as a defense against future Sith incursions, Halcyon commandoes underwent intense and highly invasive surgeries to enhance their combat abilities through cybernetics and gene therapy. These soldiers were often hand-picked by Halycon Operations itself, but open recruitment was something they encouraged. Recruits into the Halcyon Program effectively signed their lives away and were sworn to secrecy about the things they were forced to endure both in training and during the augmentation process   Corellian Blacksabers Clad in black and green armor, these faceless soldiers were considered by some to be even more elite than the Halcyon Commandos. While their augmentations weren't nearly as extensive, their loyalty was without question. They were often stationed as elite guards of high-ranking diplomats or as guards for important Corellian installations such as their base on Gus Talon.   Corellian Star Troopers   Corellian Star Troopers were the ground-based paramilitary branch of the Corellian Security Bureau. Filling the barracks of defense stations across the Corellian Sector they were the first line of defense planetside. They operated a variety of heavy weapons emplacements, planetary shield generators, and occupation duties. Large in number and with Corellian pride like no other the were the emerald bulwark of the Corellian people. While not glamourous like the Corellian Shock Troopers of the Corellian Defense Force, they had overall better charisma and a higher public opinion rating.    

Organizational Climate

  Most members of the CBF saw one another as a family more or less. There could be friction when investigations crossed divisions or when civilians were involved but as a paramilitary and police force the members of the CSB ultimately followed orders more often than not.   Reactions to the CSB varied wildly from world to world and depending on what branch the individual was interacting with. By and large, most common folk saw the CSB as either CorSec cops or Corellian Star Troopers. There were of course stories of children and spouses being snatched in the middle of the night by CSB Loyalty Officers or rumors of corrupt CorSec Agents and secret dark biolabs. Pretending these were, in fact, all rumors, was key to keeping their reputation clean.   Members of the Corellian Security Bureau are required to carry on them at all times a badge and code cylinder with their pertinent information and division. If appropriate they also wore uniforms distinguishing them from one another. Most badges held a biological marker that only activated the badge when the registered agent, soldier, etc, held it. This badge along with their code cylinders was used to enter most Corellian Security Bureau facilities. Other gear such as weapons and armor were specific to the branch and could vary greatly.  

Organizational Structure

  Commissioner -    Imperial Liaison   Deputy Director   Major   Capitan   Lieutenant   Master Sergeant   Peacekeeper
"To Protect and Serve Corellian interests at home and abroad is the highest honor"
Government, Law Enforcement
Neighboring Nations
The goal of the Corellian Security Bureau was to defend Corellia, the Corellian Sector, and their interests from threats abroad and domestic. While this goal did not always run parallel to what was "right", members of the Corellian Security Bureau did what needed to be done in service to their home.

Non-Aggression Pact

This article has no secrets.


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