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Kethendian Dragonsbell

Dotting the small mountain meadows across Kethendia is a remarkable flower. This is the Kethendian dragonsbell, a plant which thrives on the rich volcanic soil. It has several purposes, and although it produces a wonderful flavor when used to cook with, its flowers are poisonous and should not be consumed. This dragonsbell is featured prominently in many dragonborn rituals of Kethendia, especially Clan Moonrider which especially focuses on tradition.


Kethendian dragonsbell is a bulbous plant, and spends the cold mountain winters beneath the soil and snow until spring weather warms the ground enough to sprout. At this time, the plant's long slender leaves emerge, growing to about a foot long. In the center of these leaves several stems shoot upward, clearing the tops of the leaves by three to six inches. From each stem, five to twelve pinkish-white flowers bloom. These flowers form a conical shape, and have five petals which point outward to form a star shape. The center of each flower has a yellow stamen. Kethendian dragonsbell emits a subtle scent that in large numbers is unmistakable.


Kethendian dragonsbell can be farmed, but the more traditional Kethendian clans rarely use this method. Instead, they prefer to gather is directly from the mountainsides, claiming that it is more potent when grown wild. When farming, it is important that the dragonsbell receives sufficient sunlight, as its native habitat on mountainside meadows gives it access to plenty of sunlight throughout its growing season. In addition, the dragonsbell requires a lot of water and cooler temperatures. Because of these needs, it takes a lot of resources and patient handling to successfully cultivate and grow dragonsbell in a commercial setting.


Kethednian dragonsbell has a pleasant aroma with a particular appeal for dragonborn, and as such is most popularly used in incense and other scent-based products. By pressing fresh flowers, one can make an oil which retains the dragonsbell scent. This oil can then be used to soak materials in for incense making. Likewise, some entrepreneurial wax workers have used dragonsbell oil in soaps and candles marketed towards dragonborn across the world. However, because dragonsbell is cultivated with much difficulty, these products are uncommon and usually expensive. In the Kethendian clans , dragonsbell incense is used in rituals such as feast days or honoring the dead. Clan Moonrider has gone so far as to ban the use of Kethendian dragonsbell oil or scents in any product not intended for ceremonial uses.

Kethendian dragonsbell leaves and bulbs also have culinary uses. The leaves, while extremely fibrous and difficult to digest, are commonly used as an herb in cooking, usually boiled or steamed with a dish. Dragonsbell bulbs can be eaten with little difficulty, either raw or cooked. It is common in Kethendian households to serve roasted and sliced dragonsbell bulb along with a meat or mushroom dish.

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