The Empire of Civiria Organization in Galactic Conflicts | World Anvil
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The Empire of Civiria (Ci-Vi-Ria)

"Glory to Civiria, glory to her people, glory to the emperor. Heil Civiria!"

Mighty warships roar overhead as the boots of thousands of soldiers come marching closer. The thundering of the artillery is deafening. Bullets wis past your head and the ground is shaking from the cohort of war-machines. This is the might of Civiria.

Military Civilization

The Civirians are best described as military supremacists. Which isn't far from the truth. The military plays a large role in every Civirian's life. And it's one of the few nations which still uses conscription.
  Yet unlike many other nations the military in Civiria offers a lot of jobs. Without it Civiria will crumple. There is always need for more soldiers or crewmen onboard their mighty starships. But not everyone in the military fights. There are also plenty of mechanics and other workers such as miners or builders. The military is the glue that holds the empire together.
  Of course the military is often used in the many wars the empire has. And if there are no more wars? Then they'll find some new ones to fight in.
by Unknown


Proud to Serve

"There isn't much of a life outside the military for me. My squad is my family, the military has given me a purpose, friends and actual good beer. Besides, I'd rather die on the battlefield serving the Civirian people rather then suffer for months on my deathbed because of some illness"- Unknown Civirian Soldier

Many Civirians willingly go into the military. Because it is one of the best ways to earn money in Civiria. Not only that you get the respect a soldier gets and the empire takes great care to reward anyone who is loyal to Civiria.
  But that isn't everything, the Civirian leadership has inacted years of indoctrination. Which forces the belief that you need to serve Civiria. Peer pressure also plays a large part. As being known as the person who doesn't want to serve will make you automatically disliked.
  Everyone has to serve Civiria in some way or another. Those who don't are useless. And the empire wont invest in those are are deemed, useless.

A Mighty Military

The Civirian Military is a mighty one. They have countless soldiers, tanks, spaceships and much much more. Yet their constant warring has left their scientists without any fundings and this made Civiria one of the nations with the lowest technology. Things such as laser-weapons or shields for their craft are nonexistent.
  The only reason why they can face up against their technological foes is because three things. Years upon years of experience, upon the forming of the Civirian Empire they where already at war. They where born into it and they learned from the many years they have fought in their wars.
  But also their willpower. Their soldiers are known to be as loyal as they can get. Along with their steel worlds. Which is a collection of worlds filled with steel. Which the Civirian have learned to harned using a special technique only known to the Civirians. Which makes the steel much more resilient.
  All this combined has made the armies and fleets of Civiria a force to be reckoned with.

Heil Civiria!

"Men! The enemy might seem strong, it might seem like we will loose. But remember! Remember why you fight! As we fight for our children! To give your sons and daughters a place to grow up in. Our loved ones! To keep them save from the outside world. Our empire! To further the goals of our glorious leader. And our ancestors! As they will smile upon us in this battle! The enemy has one thing we do, and that is our willpower! Our determination! Our ferocity! So onward! For Civiria!"- A common Civirian battle speech

A Proud People

The Civirian's are a very proud people. They still hold on onto their origins and like to show it off. They love their parades and festivals. High officials like to dress up in colorful clothing. And many generals love to show off their collection of medals.
  This can especially be seen in the military. Where soldiers parade through cities to entertain the people but also to show off. With drums, chanting and marching! During off-duty soldiers like to wear expressive uniforms which resemble the regiment they are from. Each regiment usually has a theme which they embrace. Which no two regiments looking the same.
  Even though life in Civiria isn't the greatest, many Civirians are proud of who they are.
by Unknown


As much as the Civirian Empire likes to deny it, there is rampant poverty amongst the Civirian People. As the constant warring has but a strain on the Civirian Economy. People get just enough food to get by and many cities are plagued by slums.
  And many previous wars have caused for large amounts of debt. Much of it they still need to pay. All this combined has lead to a lot of rebellion. Most of them are brutally crushed by the Civirians. As taking up arms against the empire is one of the biggest treasons you can commit. The rebel's who have being killed bodies will usually be show for display. And any prisoners are executed. For Civiria will not show mercy to traitors.
The only reason why Civiria hasn't gone up in flames is because of the heavy indoctrination and the people's loyalty to the empire.


Another reason why Civiria hasn't collapsed yet is because of hatred of their enemies. Nothing brings people closer then a common enemy and the empire knows this. They are a propaganda machine and depict their enemies as horrible scumbags. Which threaten the empire and if the people don't directly directly help the empire then these enemies will slaughter their loved ones!
Not only that they depict their neighbors as greedy, corrupt backstabbing cowards. Unlike the brave and loyal Civirian. They do this to distance the Civirian's from the outside world. So the people can't see how bad they are having it. Usually it's told that it is a lie, it might seem nice from the outside but from the inside it is rotten and corrupt.
This has made many Civirian's suspicious of any outsiders.

Honor in Death

Death is a common thing in Civiria, either from battle, sickness or any other cause. Making a Civirian's lifespan rather short compared to the other nations. Yet death is a sacred thing in Civiria. As every Civirian deserves a proper burial. It's a Civirian right!
  High ranking leaders and those who sacrificed themselves for Civiria get a better funeral then others. And usually get a monuments depending on what they did. And those in the fleet are highly respected for when their ship get's destroyed their bodies are usually never recovered. So it's common for crew to leave something personal behind on their homeplanet before they depart.
by PondDragon
Many soldiers die in battle, and it is seen as a honor to die for Civiria. After battle it is of high importance that as many bodies of the dead get collected and send back to their home world. Civirian's sometimes even let their enemies collect the dead, but only if they respect them.
  The dead usually get transported in special ships and trucks which have the Civirian symbol for death on them (See the image to the right). These vehicles and the people driving them are treated with the highest respect. Cease fires are also usually put in place to let these workers collect the dead. And attacking them is one of the easiest way to anger a Civirian.
Slyvester the Third
Military Branches
The Civirian Armed Forces (C.A.F.)
Official Language
Official Religion

The Useful and the Useless
Civiria unlike many other nations doesn't care what you are, where you come from and what you do. So long as you proof valuable to the empire. A simple poor miner can rise through the ranks and become a mayor if that miner proofs to have the skills and dedication to the empire.
Everyone has the same chance, even though it is extremely hard to do Civiria takes pride in this. And because of a lack of aristocratic prejudice the empire has access to all the briliant minds of their empire.    
What is a Civirian?
A Civirian is anyone who swears loyalty to the Civirian people and empire. Meaning it can be any race. For the Civirian's do not care what you are. So long as you are loyal and useful.  
by Unknown
The Civirian Salute
A proper Civirian salute is to ball up your hand into a fist. With your thump inside the fist. And tap it 4 times against your chest where your heart is suppose to be. The first tap is slow and the last three are meant to be made right after one another. Which translates into: Heil Civiria.
You do it around your heart resembling that your heart is always with Civiria. And clench up in a fist to resemble that you will always fight for Civiria. With your thump being inside the fist resembling that without Civiria you would be useless (As the thumb is the most useful finger on someone's hand).  
The Civirian Creed
A greed which his taken by each Civirian soldier:
"I a proud Civirian swear to uphold the Civirian creed. For upon breaking it my life will be taken. I swear to forever stand with Civiria no matter what, even if it should take my life. I swear to forever protect the Civirian people, for a Civirian life is most important of all. I swear to forever fight for our glorious empire, for no matter what we face we Civirian's shall always stand together. For I am a Civirian, and I will never betray my empire. Heil Civiria! Heil Civiria! Heil Civiria!"  
Brother in Arms
Civirian soldiers are encouraged to form a bond with their fellow squadmates. So the soldiers have a strong bond with each other, so they fight more efficiently. It also isn't uncommon for higher ups to form close bonds with thier soldiers. Something that higher ups are urged to do.  
No Civirian Left Behind!
Many soldiers have a need to protect as many Civirian life's as possible whenever possible. They are proud Civirian's and it's their duty to protect their fellow countrymen. Even commanders try to keep the Civirian losses as low as possible.  
by Hachiro

Character flag image: by Hachiro


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