Phoebe - Relic Hunters Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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Phoebe - Relic Hunters

"I don't... I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!"
-Phoebe while suffering from Demon Fever
Phoebe was one of the people the Relic Hunters met at the outpost in the Demon Lands. She had been invited to the mission to Kesmos prison, where she and the Relic Hunters were attacked by Casia and a man, only referred to as Four, along with some others from a group called the Argos. Phoebe would betray the Relic Hunters later, but they never gave up on her, even going as far as to cure her from the demonic energy in her soul. Phoebe was a decently important character in the Relic hunters campaign.  


Phoebe is a short, teenage girl with blue eyes and short brown hair. In the Demon Lands, she started to suffer from Demon Fever, which eventually started to affect her physically. Her torso grew visibly taller, her ribs coming out of her body. Multiple mouths had grown over her body, from which whispers came as she turned aggressive. Months after leaving the Demon Lands, Phoebe was brought to Noha with help of the Relic Hunters and was cured of the demonic energy, restoring her body to what it was before Demon Fever started to affect her.  


Phoebe doesn't really want to be around people. She was uncomfortable at Antarin's extroverted personality. While traveling with the Relic Hunters, she opened up a little, especially to Deckie as they shared some conversations while searching for the missing outpost members. But she seemingly betrayed them for Decleas, who unbeknownst to them was her foster father. While suffering from Demon Fever she was mostly confused but quickly turned aggressive. However, she was still able to calm down when Eris mentioned how much Decleas cared for her and Decleas telling her that he indeed loved her very much and didn't want her to hurt herself and the others. Phoebe, while on the run with her father, had suffered from sudden episodes of aggression, which could only be calmed down by specific words of a specific language, which Decleas spoke and had taught to Eris. Phoebe, when given the choice to transfer her demonic energy into someone else or into the Arlyndas stone, chose for the latter, showing that she is compassionate and doesn't want anyone to suffer on her behalf.  



Decleas is Phoebe's foster father. They met while in a prison, meant for feeding a demon. Phoebe took on missions for him and the rest of the Argos, as she looked the most normal out of the ex prisoners. She cared a lot for him, having him be the reason she calmed down while she suffered from Demon Fever. Decleas would also let himself get captured by priests and mercenaries so she could escape. Both were extremely happy to see the other safe, with Decleas being extremely happy and grateful to the party and Noha for having cured Phoebe.


Casia and Phoebe had a friendly relationship with each other. Casia cared for the girl as she willingly sacrificed herself to let her and Decleas escape, knowing that it would most likely lead to her death.


  • Phoebe shares her name with the Titan goddess of intuition and beauty.
  • Phoebe is one of the most beloved NPC's, the Relic Hunters having gone through great lengths to help and support her, even if they did feel betrayed by her during the first arc.
  • Not counting actual children, Phoebe is the youngest person that the Relic Hunters have encountered.
Phoebe during the year 532
Date of Birth
Somewhere during the year 515 AC
Brown, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
155 cm
Honestly don't know


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