Noha Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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"Let my hand rest upon you, for but a moment. Share them with me, your thoughts, your ambitions, the principles you would follow."
-Noha, as he tries to connect with a person's soul
Noha is a Fire Keeper, the only man who is one. By some, he is called the reincarnation of the first Fire Keeper, only known as the Maiden in Black.  


A half elf with raven black hair and silver eyes. His hair is a little messy to make him seem more relaxed than he actually is. He has pale skin, due to his lack of exposure to sunlight. There has never been an official uniform for male Fire Keepers, so his uniform was based off of the clothes his assigned body guard wears. Wearing gloves most of the time, people note that his hands are surprisingly soft, delicate and without burn marks, unlike those of his fellow Fire Keepers.  


A very warm and gentle man. Could not even bring himself to hurt a spider, even with his immense fear of them. He’s patient and somewhat of a fatherly type. Noha wouldn’t turn down anyone from his shrine, no matter their story, appearance or general aura. Unfortunately, his biggest weakness is his inferiority complex, thinking himself as weak and not good enough compared to the people he helps. His body guard would mention to other guardians, or people who stuck around long enough, that if he were to be killed, he would apologize to his attacker.  



Noha cares for Malenia like he would with any other person. They don't always get along due to his meek personality and her stubborn nature, but these issues are resolved almost as quickly as they come up. Noha deeply loves her, but he has not been able to bring himself to tell her that.  


  • Noha is paralyzed from the waist down due to becoming a Fire Keeper.
  • Noha has negative consitution, resulting in very low hit points.
  • Although as a Light Cleric, Noha has multiple fire spells prepared, he refuses to use them. Resulting in him acting more like a Life Cleric.
  • Noha is quite the capeable cook, having people show up at his shrine just for his cooking before it was turned into a prison by the shadow stalker.
  • Noha talks in his sleep, this may be due to stress.
Noha during the year 532
Current Status
Being best boy
Date of Birth
34 Bryt 508 AC
Messy, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, barely gets any sunlight
181 cm
Who knows?
Aligned Organization


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