Malenia Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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"I am Malenia. Blade of Noha. And I have never known defeat."
-Malenia, introducing herself to the other trainees
Malenia is the Elf guardian of Noha, the firekeeper.  


An albino wood elf with pale silver eyes, although tall tales suggest that she actually has red ones. She has long hair that reaches the back of her knees, having never bothered to cut it. Her guardian clothes are actually a mourning dress, with some silver armor to protect her heart, neck and shoulders. Her gauntlets and leggings are made of metal, the ends sharp to look like claws. Her physique is more of that of a dancer than a body guard.  


Her personality is similar to her appearance, cold. She speaks kind words rarely, unless it’s directed to her Fire Keeper. You’ll never find her joking around, taking her work seriously. Unlike most guardians, she won’t block your path to guard her Fire Keeper, instead standing behind him as his shadow, trying to make her presence do most of the work. On the off chance you’ll see her not working, she’ll be willing to exchange a few words, often leaving unsatisfying answers.  



She thinks that she owes him her life. Having felt accepted by him and learning to harness some well needed power, even if she uses it like a shadow instead of a shield. Either do to being oblivious or not understanding emotions all that well, she doesn’t realize the romantic feelings he has for her, nor that she feels the same way.  


Alden and Malenia were in the same training group for a while. She was underestimated for her lack of muscles, but easily bested him. This has led to a one sides rivalry from his side. There was a big chance that she was a witness to him falling onto his own sword. When challenged by him in Bersail, Malenia was visibly annoyed, only agreeing to it to shut him up and get it over with.  


  • Malenia has repeatedly kicked Alden's ass. He still swears that he will one day beat her.
  • Even though Malenia is supposed to be intimidating, she has negative charisma.
  • Malenia was described to be a powerhouse, similar to Beatriz. This has sparked a discussion on who would win between the two of them. After a long discussion, it had been decided that Beatriz would win. However, Beatriz, unlike Malenia, has abilities from multiple classes plus many benefits from other sources, like being technically level 24 compared to Malenia who is a level 19 Rogue. This has totally not made the player of Eris salty, but she swears that one day Malenia will become the powerhouse that she deserves to be.
    • If Malenia was made with the same rules that applied to Beatriz, she would have features of the Soulknife Rogue, the Zealot Barbarian and a special magic attack that would deal Necrosis damage.
Malenia around the year 532
Current Status
Simping for, I mean, protecting Noha
Date of Birth
15 Wulf 407 AC
Current Residence
Cave Shrine
Extremely long, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
169 cm
Don't ask, please
Aligned Organization


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