Elf Species in Gajas | World Anvil
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Elves were originally shapechanger fey, but ended up locked into a human-like form. They were transcendent beings that could transform into whatever they desired, they were part of the fey world like the others.  


Elves were enlightened inhuman fey beings, being able to change shape. However, when the elves betrayed their Archfey in some terrible sleight, either real or imagined, the Archfey took away the elves ability to transform. They locked them into one form, this form being that of the human and so the once able to shape change had one form. Although their form was human they still had some characteristics of the fey, examples being the long ears, long lifespans and common natural magic.  

Types of Elves

The fey seem to change with the environment they reside in. As a result different types of elves have started to appear with different appearances and abilities:  
  • Wood elves
  • Underground elves(Drow)
  • Sea elves(Underwater/coast)
  • Ice/Snow elves(Northern areas)
  • Desert elves
  Elves are observed to change with their environment relatively quickly across generations. The birthplace of the elf and their early life environment(the first 50-100 years) matter the most, after that time period it seems to not change as significantly.  


The elven cultures commonly believe it is their purpose to not rest until their soul has been cleansed of the sins their ancestors committed. This is done by doing acts of good. Elves who are able to connect with their shapechange ability(some elves are naturally able to do so) are seen as partially absolved of sin. Those elves are seen as saints, some people become saints throughout the actions they take in their lifetime. Elves think that eventually they can be given back their freedom to change form, although there are elves who no longer desire this. This has caused many debates between the two groups, the ones who desire to get their abilities back and the ones who have made peace without shapechanging. The former group believes that the ability to change forms is something divine and doing so with arcane means is heavily debated on whether it is okay to do so.  


The physical of the appearance of the elves are mostly human, small differences making them distinct from humans. As stated before, they have longer pointed ears but that is not the only thing distinct about them. Elves are on average shorter in height, their faces tend to have pointed feminine features, other races tend to have a more difficult time distinguishing the men from the women. The lack of beard growth of the men and the lack of body hair amongst both sexes does not make this any easier. The bodies of the elves tend to be thinner and more delicate. Due to their muscles being more compact than that of humans, they struggle to gain body mass in both muscles and body fat.   Compared to other races, elves have a higher rate of being born sex neutral. This is most likely a side effect of being shapechangers. There are those who are born with the ability to slightly change their body. They cannot change their race, only small parts about their body. Some of the things they can change are hair length, hair color, sex organs, body fat distribution and the choice of having breasts. They can do this by meditation during rest.  

Having Different Types Of Elf Have Children Together

The appearance of an elf is not set in stone, as well as their abilities. If two elves of different sub races were to have children, their offspring would have a mix of the parents abilities. An example:   A wood elf and a snow elf having a child. The child would in appearance be a mix from the two, with the abilities being shaped by their environment.
400 years
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