Fana Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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Fana was one of the marked blessing her with magic powers, in her case it gave her the ability to summon magical force as a type of transluscent physical object, allowing her to primarily create structures, armor and weapons with it. Fana was the one who basically created The Devoted after seeing a vision and being given the mark by what she thought was Enkrana.   Fana grew up with a small group of close friends (consisting of Sulyvahn, Copy, Dorron) during the time of strife, they stole from those riches and managed to barely survive with their small vilalge during very dangerous times. When resquing Enkrana their lives would eventually change from it, as Fana and Enkrana fell in love and eventually Enkrana started a revolutionary movement.   Eventually the guerilla war the movement had been running was betrayed and a army with Enkrana, Fana and the others in it was taken by suprise. Fana was shot in the back and slowly died bleeding out, while dying however she saw Enkrana also dying by the hands of Ignorov. As Fana died she became a revenant, a undead with the purpose to bring Enkrana back. For 100's of years she walked the earth trying to ressurect him, but nothing worked. Eventually Fana was given her Mark together with a vision of Enkrana and a massive spellcircle consisting of pieces of the old circles that Ignorov installed as a ally to the old revolution. Fana contacted Dracha, the orginization that Ignorov belonged to and they helped her. From there Fana created the devoted, unknowing that she was being manipulated by Dracha and even unknowing that Enkrana was originally betrayed by them.   Fana right as the plan to bring Enkrana back was coming to a end, was convinced to stop by Zero Beatdown. After the plan fell apart by the hands of Zero and his allies, Fana died as she lost the will that kept her alive as a revenant.   Fana played a major role during the Relic hunters campaign
Fana as a Revenant
Date of Birth
Somewhere during the years of collapse
Date of Death
14 Wulf 532 AC
4 AC 532 AC 528 years old
Circumstances of Death
Having completed her task as a Revenant, Fana naturally passed on.
Place of Death
Trans woman
Aligned Organization


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