Viral Micro-Enchanting Technology / Science in Gaius | World Anvil
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Viral Micro-Enchanting

This technology, developed by incredibly skilled magical researchers, allowed for the enchantment of life itself. With the ability to write incantations into the very genome of a creature, it became possible to produce never-before-seen organisms that flaunted the laws of the universe itself


Used to rewrite the DNA of a creature to include innate micro-enchantments. Development was pursued in order to increase human longevity and healthiness, but the technology was eventually co-opted in order to create bio-weapons and plagues for use in war.


In order to create a viral micro-enchantment vector, the Arcano-Active Zone of either the Stoneskin Virus or a descendant species had to be rewritten using incredibly precise alchemical methods. This was expensive and did not always work, thus making the process of creating a vector quite expensive. Once created, the vector needed to be bred in a bio-reactor in order to produce enough to be useful.
Children Technologies
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Forgotten, and was never more than a technique used by researchers in order to produce viral enchantment vectors, which were complex and difficult to create.
Incredibly complex. Cannot be performed without advanced scrying and alchemical techniques to allow the reading and writing of the Arcano-Active Zone.
Discovered by a group of biologists and enchanters who were studying the Stoneskin Virus's unusual properties. They found that they could rewrite the Arcano-Active Zone of the virus to induce other effects in the host organism.

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