Arcano-Genetic Revision Technology / Science in Gaius | World Anvil
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Arcano-Genetic Revision

Arcano-Genetic Revision (AGR) is a technology allowing for the complete rewriting of a creature's biology using Viral Micro-Enchanting based techniques. A specially constructed Arcanovirus is created that contains desired genetic code and the substrate creature (usually an embryo) is infected with this concoction.   Owing to the limited size of most Arcanoviruses, complicated creatures may require several different viral injections with different effects.


Used to rewrite a creature's biology. While Viral Micro-Enchanting involves enchanting a creature's biology with a magical inscription, AGR is more general purpose, allowing the insertion or removal of organs or limbs or even the complete rearrangement of a creature's vasculature given enough skill.   Completely synthetic creatures can be created with this technique, such as beholders, unicorns, chimera, phoenixes, basilisks, and the like.
Parent Technologies
Children Technologies
Developed by the Society for the Advancement of Human Biology.
Access & Availability
No longer possible. Even before the destruction of the Society for the Advancement of Human Biology this was only possible at highly specialized arcane laboratories.
Incredibly complicated. Nearly impossible in the current age.
Developed by the Society for the Advancement of Human Biology as part of their initiative to develop the Human Enhancement Virus.

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