Stoneskin Virus Species in Gaius | World Anvil
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Stoneskin Virus

A comet-borne viral vector of the disease Petrifactive Panniculitis. It's genetic payload has evolved to contain a highly conserved region called the Arcano-Active Zone which contains an analogue of the stone-skin spell encoded in DNA. It is theorized that this enchantment is what allows the virus its extreme adaptability, allowing it to colonize hosts from this planet.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The genetic code of this virus is unique in that it contains a region called the Arcano-Active Zone, in which a DNA-encoded analogue of the stone-skin spell is written. This gives the virus unique survivability in pretty much any host. Most of the rest of the virus' genome is unintelligble to geneticists due to its extraplanar nature.

Growth Rate & Stages

The virus has a gestation period of 1 week. After that, the symptoms of the disease Petrifactive Panniculitis begin to set in. This usually results in the host's death unless treated.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This virus requires mana to maintain its effectiveness. Should the local mana field be depleted (either due to application of an anti-magic field or through the host depleting their natural mana reserves) the virus' stone skin enchantment fails and the virus itself may be exterminated.

Biological Cycle

After infecting a host and inducing disease, the virus reproduces rapidly. This eventually leads to the host body's petrifaction due to the increasing concentration of stone skin analogue incantations written into the host's body. At this point, the surface of the host's body is highly contagious due to the high concentrations of virus produced there. Unless the body is decontaminated with a suitable anti-magic field, the statues remain contagious for a significant period of time, thus effecting the virus' propagation.
Scientific Name
Cadera Lapellis
Discovered in the impact crater of a comet that fell many thousand years ago
Conservation Status
Mainly exists in dormant form in petrified victims.

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