Revenant Virus Species in Gaius | World Anvil
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Revenant Virus

Colloquially called the zombie virus, this species resulted from a botched attempt to produce a resurrection spell. It is one of the earliest modifications of the Stoneskin Virus.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

As a variant of the Stoneskin Virus, the Revenant Virus also contains an Arcano-Active Zone. The zone on the Reventant Virus has been rewritten to contain a lightly modified version of Cure Light Wounds.

Growth Rate & Stages

The initial infection of a deceased body with the Revenant Virus is uneventful. It takes up to a day for the virus to propagate enough for the reanimation of the body (or longer depending on the size of the creature). At this point the newly reawakened body's immune system kicks in, attempting to necrotize infected tissue. The balance between the tumescent healing of the virus and the sloughing off of infected tissue prevents the complete revivification of the creature, instead trapping it in a barely conscious reflex driven fight-or-flight condition.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like all arcanoviruses, this virus requires a local mana field in order to maintain its effect.

Biological Cycle

The Revenant Virus exists as a blood borne pathogen in the host creature. After revivification and propagation, the virus is spread through the mixing of bodily fluids with an infected creature (generally this happens as a result of wounds inflicted while fighting a zombified creature).
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Cadera Nuntius
Conservation Status
Uncommon but not endangered. Present in all extant zombies

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