The Cardinal Rules in Gaion | World Anvil
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The Cardinal Rules


the game is fun, but it needs boundaries to work. Here they are.  

The Cardinal Rules

Rule 1: No PvP (Player vs. Player)

I used to have a rule system for this, but I've since simplified it; no PvP unless specifically authorized by the DM due to reasonable narrative circumstances. Even under these circumstances, the DM reserves the right to end it at any time. Violations of this rule result in the offending PC instantly getting reduced to 0 HP, serving as the only warning. A repeated offense will have their character killed and a stern talking to with the player to determine whether they will be kicked or given one more chance to roll a new character.

PvP examples

  • Attacking another player character with the intention to do damage (DM interprets the action and gets the final ruling)
  • Intentionally interfering with another player's agency & in-game performance through the actions of their character, such as sabotage or non-damaging spells/grapples/restraints (DM interprets the action and gets the final ruling)
  • Metagaming/out-of-character arguments about an in-game situation that extend beyond reasonable above-table discussions (DM interprets the action and gets the final ruling)

PvP exceptions

  • Controlled situations authorized by the DM & consented to by the players for narrative reasons
  • Situations that occur through in-game mechanics (ex. A monster charms a PC and turns them against a party-mate)
  • Planned, mutually consensual duels between player characters that have been brought up to the DM by both players prior and shaken/agreed upon terms (no outside help, the outcome is the outcome and no one can complain). Duels like this cannot happen in the same session they were conceptualized in, giving players time to cool off if their "duel" is just a petty one-session dispute.

Rule #2: No Sexual Content or Bigotry

We're all adult and  I don't mean that sex jokes & general adult innuendos aren't ok; they are more than welcome, as we are a goofy people. However, no in-game sex. If player characters want to romance an NPC (romancing PCs is never allowed; if two players consensually decide they want that, we will simply say "it happens" and move on), it will be determined by the DM in the moment whether the player's dialogue would lead to that outcome, following up with a fade to black if so. There will be NO detailed ERP (erotic roleplay) from the DM or players; it's just uncomfortable and it's never as funny as the player thinks it will be (trust me; I've had multiple players try). Characters that are created with a primarily sexual purpose will be vetoed (DM determines this and has final say).   

Certain behaviors will earn an instant ban from my table:
  • Sexual assault (or attempted SA) of a PC, NPC or monster
  • Sexual harrassment of PCs/NPCs/monsters
  • Pedophilia
  • Beastiality
  • Other philias/alities barred by law (if you have to ask, then probably)
  • Pimping (prostitution is ok as part of one's backstory, but not as an active part of their gameplay)
  • Sexism/misogyny/racism/xenophobia/transphobia/homophobia/ableism/general bigotry that is determined to represent out-of-game perspectives (DM gets final say) and not solely in-game character flaws/villainy

Rule #3: PCs Must Work Within the Party

  Speaks for itself. No lone wolfs/edgelords/rogue players that "don't work well with others". That can be a character flaw that the player drives their character to work through, but it cannot be used as a catch-all excuse for the player to go rogue/solo during sessions.

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