GB Chapter 37: Domestic Tourism Report in Gaion | World Anvil
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GB Chapter 37: Domestic Tourism

General Summary


  • In the night's sleep before arriving at Necropolis (before the main events of GB Chapter 36: Welcome to Necropolis), all the Gaiobros have dreams about the Gaioforce empowering them. Obu has the same, but Lady Gaelica is laying in an ethereal bed with him. She convinces him to surrender himself to her influence; he gains another corruption point (2 total, party doesn't know that)
  • The gang does some downtime after the events of Chapter 36; Master Obu tinkers with the Dark Energy Generator and learns that it can contain/collect dark energy from powerful sources if operated by one or more spellcasters (the more casters used, the lower the already difficult DC shall be). Balcazar studies the stolen Thought Crystals. MB & Moanius talk and drink with Fork & Stonius, while Obu & Balcazar eventually join to plan their course of action tomorrow. At night, they have dreams with a shadowy humanoid silouette in the corner of their eye.

Balcazar's Reading

  • An expansive history on Cyrofel , the Moon Elf city that once stood at the true North Pole before its climactic fall.
  • Theories of the Multiverse: A collection of theories and research on the cosmological aspects of Gaion, the sun, the moon & the Five Realms.

The Grand Re-entry

  • The morning after, the gang puts on various disguises and walked up to the city gate, led by Master Obu. The knight, Sir Gorian, explains the Initiate Program and offers for them to participate. Initiates tour and explore the city for anywhere from a couple days to a week. After their time is up, they head to the base of Zalcupol to choose their fate; acceptance into Necropolis by the Caring Pharaoh, or execution by the Wrathful Pharaoh. The Gaiobois agree to the terms and enter within their caravan.
  • Once they enter, Master Obu wanders to Fort Jaw (formerly known as Jaw Patrol Training Grounds) and asks for Dr. Plaezius, who has been seen or spoken of as the commander of Jaw Company. The rest of the bois head to Volugard's Bounty, meeting Count Volugard in his expansive establishment. Obu arrives and demands to see Dr. Plaezius, regarding him as an old friend. As he waits, the Death Minister appears and introduces himself, giving Master Obu a brief tour on the way to Volugard's Bounty & explaining the various establishments/activities in Necropolis. During the tour, he mentioned the library incident and informed them that they can rent the two Thought Crystals they stole for 1 day, then must return them to the Opulent Conservatory. He drops off Obu & dips out in a puff of smoke.

Obu's Travel Recommendations

  • Argatha's Garden: potion & herbal shop, apparently has sex stuff too
  • Volugard's Bounty: trading post that accepts gold, Daidcoin, barter or rough sexual favors in exchange for Count Volugard's vast collection of magical goods
  • Taverns: The Dead's End, The Rowdy Wight & The Horny Ghost
  • Mellok's Meats: Street vendor/butcher that spends weeks hunting in the tundras to bring back "exotic" meat, consumed as a delicacy in Necropolis since they rely of Daidcoin for actual sustenance.
  • FTX Counter - can exchange gold for Daidcoin, the primary currency of Necropolis. Only Volugard's Bounty accepts gold at the fair exchange rate; other merchants & vendors will either not accept gold or they'll charge exorbitant exchange rates (ex. 3x the price if paying in gold)
  • The End Games Colliseum: A colliseum that hosts a series of highly dangerous & deadly challenges for the citizens of Necropolis to participate in. Lots of Daidcoin betting occurs in the audience. The main events are team battles, chariot racing, & beast battles, while secondary/intermission events are beast riding/rangling, dragon taming & yeti fighting. The Dealer often attends these events to gamble when he is in town. The games are MC'd by a male Frost Elf banshee, who is incredibly vain and arrogant.
  • The Opulent Conservatory: The library & cosmic observatory of Necropolis, which holds a vast collection of knowledge including rare knowledge on Cyrofel. The librarian is a Death Tyrant, already encountered by MB and the invisibois
  • Temple of Rebirth: The holy grounds where candidates of the Initiate Program partake in the final ceremony. This is the holiest site in Necropolis-proper, and is strongly associated with Zalcovia.

Volugard's Bounty

  • Balcazar's purchase: a Ring of Invisibilty & Shroud of Shadows for 1 Fool's Gold coin. Volugard falls for the trick and accepts the coin. The Shrowd of Shadows makes him smell undead and gives advantage on Stealth checks in the dark/shadows, while the Ring of Invisibility makes them invisible until they dismiss the effect, take off the ring, make an attack or cast a spell.
  • Moanius' purchase: a Hat of Disguise and a Boomerang Hat for 900 gp. The Hat of Disguise requires attunement and allows the wearer to cast Disguise Self at will, while the boomerang hat does 1d4 slashing damage when thrown (range 30 ft) and always comes back, unless physically or magically hindered by a sufficient force.
  • MB's purchase: a Tongue Whip in exchange for sex in Count Volugard's sex dungeon. M.B. conquests the vampire twice, then a third time using the Blade of Phallicus' nearly full-charged Sploogeful Smite on Volugard's bussy. MB robs the store and the sex dungeon

MB's Hoard

  • Tongue Flog - deals 1d6 slashing damage and 1d6 lightning damage
  • Tongue Whip - deals 1d4 slashing damage and 1d6 acid damage.
  • Fate Flipper (5) - 3,000 gp, could save your life man. When you are reduced to 0 HP, even if killed outright, you can choose to have this coin activate as long as it is somewhere within your physical possession. When activated, the coin flips into the air and lands heads or tails; no force aside from a Wish spell can stop or alter the coin from landing in its position. The player using the coin calls heads or tails; if they get it right, the coin automatically revives them with 1/2th their HP (rounded down). If they get it wrong, they stay as they are. The coin disintegrates into dust after its use.
  • Iron Flask - can hold anything, and I mean ANYTHING. Wonder what's inside?
  • Goggles of Night - 2,000 gp, allow you to see in the dark
  • Rope of Entanglement: 7,500 gp. This rope is 30 feet long and weighs 3 pounds. If you hold one end of the rope and use an action to speak its command word, the other end darts forward to entangle a creature you can see within 20 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained.
  • Some butt plugs that magically expand and contract, 2 gimp suits with tail holes, 3 ball gags (1 has spikes, 1 is made of flesh), & a corkscrew-cock dildo

The Horny Ghost

  • The other bois make their way to The Horny Ghost tavern and drink some Death's Milk from an octopus man. 1gp per drink (Balcazar got 2), but since they didn't have any Daidcoin, the bartender upcharged them to 3 gp per drink. They then see the Dealer playing poker in the corner and join his games.
  • During the city shenanigans, Stonius hangs out with the bar boys. Fork passes out drunk in the war carriage while watching the kids, who play with Rexy & the reigndeer while Uncle Fork gets his rest (don't worry, his Fork senses are always watching). Commander Kringle & Sister Glaecia head off to explore Necropolis on their own.

Dregas Hold'em Poker Game #1

  • 5 gp buy in (7 players, 35 gp total)
  • Orc guy (2, 2): 5 gp ante 1st round, then 10 gp after first 3 show. Next round, does 10 gp for his bet, then matches the calls with 15 gp. Final round, puts down 10 gp, then matches the other 10. (60 Daidcoin total)
  • Balcazar: 5 gp ante 1st round, then 10 gp after first 3 show. Next round, does 20 gp for his bet (raising orc guy by 10), then calls for 5 more. Final round, calls the 10, then calls the other 10. (60 gp total)
  • Master Obu: 5 gp ante 1st round, then 10 gp after first 3 show. Next round, does 25 gp for his bet. Final round, calls the 10, then calls the next 10. (60 gp total)
  • Moanius: 5 gp ante 1st round, then 10 gp after first 3 show. Next round, does 25 gp for his bet. Final round, calls the 10 and raises it by another 10. (60 gp total)
  • Skinny guy (1, 9). 5 gp ante 1st round, then 10 gp after first 3 show. Next round, folds (15 Daidcoin)
  • Dealer (1, 9): 5 gp ante 1st round, then 10 gp after first 3 show. Next round, does 25 gp for his bet. Final rounds, calls the 20. (60 Daidcoin total)
  • Winner: Balcazar for 315 gp, 135 of which is Daidcoin.

Dregas Hold'em Poker Game #2

  • 5 gp buy in (5 players, 25 total)
  • River: 5, 1, 10, 9, 6
  • 21 Master Obu: check then call 15, bet 5 & call 20, check & call 35 & call 15, fold
  • 19 Moanius: check then call 15, call 5 & call 20, check & call 35 & call 15, fold
  • 17 Balcazar: check then call 15, call 5 & fold
  • 11 MB: raise 15, call 5 & raise 20, raise 25 & calls 10 & raises 15, goes all in for 279 gp
  • 20 Dealer: calls 15, call 25, calls 25 & raise 10 & call 15, calls 279 gp.
  • Winner: Dealer with a high straight, wins 968 gp from the table. He then tells MB the story of his craziest orgasm, the "Cumcano"
Report Date
13 Jun 2023

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