Chapter 9/KoA Chapter 4: GaioCorps & the Knights of Anarchy Plot in Gaion | World Anvil
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Chapter 9/KoA Chapter 4: GaioCorps & the Knights of Anarchy


A town under oppression. Previously, the mining settlement of Drogtown didn't have much attention from the Grettanian Empire. But ever since Garen usurped the high council by declaring himself Knightlord, he has sent garrisons of Grettanian Knightroopers to any town with value to the Empire. With the output of metal the imperials need for their hungry military, Drogtown was suddenly of interest, much to the misfortune of its residents. The already powerful mining company that runs the town was pressured to milk its workers for all they had left, pushing this town to the brink of rebellion or collapse. Unbeknownst to the people, that option would be avaialbe sooner than they thought, as the GaioCorps was in town. Just outside the municipal limits, a Grettanian outpost sits in everpresent patrol of its prey, ready to deploy Knightroopers at the slightest hint of trouble. This base was surrounded by woods on one side & a rocky hill base on the other. The GaiocCorps, as expected, took their positions; Kiara & Haku in the trees, Dr. Nizbon & Nyrus up in the rocks, Viko & Hana stealthed up the hill. With some team back & forth, Nyrus starts the raid with an explosive arrow to the central watchtower.  

Notes from Notebook app:

•Opens with the GaioCorp liberating their fifth settlement in the past month. Bounty hunters and mercenaries no long go after them, or they charge higher rates than Garen is willing to pay. Especially since his military should be handling such things. Either way, his frustration builds. •the gang meets the Knights of Anarchy in Hythenos. This is where Dr. Nizbon leaves the group and joins these guys, and each party realigns their goals: Knights of Anarchy focus on the microlevel dismantling of Grettanian Empire & its oppressive military, while Gaiobros focus on Garen himself & the high government  

The GaioCorps vs. The Drogtown Knightrooper Outpost (100 Domestic Guards; 18 Knights, 80 Troopers & 2 Shieldtroopers)

Wave One: Breaching the Entrance (2 ballista Troopers in the forward patrol towers, 8 Troopers on each wall, 2 Knights in the forward patrol towers, 3 Troopers in the central watchtower). 21 Troopers 200 XP each & 2 Knights @ 1,100 XP each, 6,400 XP total.


  • Viko: 17. 147/147 HP, 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd, 1/1 4th
  • Kiara: 12. 85/85 HP, 3/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/3 3rd, 2/3 4th, 2/2 5th, 1/1 6th, 1/1 7th, 1/1 8th
  • Nyrus: 21. 131/131 HP, 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd, 1/1 4th
  • Haku: 15. 111/117 HP, 3/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 3/3 3rd, 2/2 4th
  • Hana: 9. 87/135 HP, 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 2/3 3rd, 3/3 4th, 2/2 5th, 1/1 6th, 1/1 7th, 1/1 8th
  • Dr. Nizbon: 19. 51/72 HP, 3/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 3/3 3rd, 1/1 4th
  • Grettanian Knights: 6. 0/2, 60 HP, AC 18, 2/2 1st
  • Knightroopers: 6. 0/16, 27 HP, AC 16/18 with shield
  • Ballista trooper: 6. 0/2, 27 HP, AC 16/21 with 3/4ths cover & +5 to Dexterity saving throws

Surprise Round

  • Nyrus: Fires one explosive arrow at central watchtower, completely obliterating it and slaughtering 3 troopers that were in there.
  • Dr. Nizbon: Soars down and drops a Bolt Grenade in one of the patrol towers. Both fail their Con saves and are paralyzed for 1 round, taking 8 lighting damage.
  • Viko: Runs up to the other side and casts Heat Wave (3rd level spell). Two successfully dodge while the others are totally fried, dealing 27 fire to the failures & 13 to the two on the far edges. The failures fry and die.
  • Haku: Tosses his boomerang from the trees, hitting a Knightrooper for 14 bludgeoning damage then 13 on the return (27 total). This kills the trooper.
  • Kiara: Casts Brain Wave (3rd level) for 15 psychic damage on the forest-side wall.
  • Hana: Rushes up to the previously shocked patrol tower and casts Aqua Whip (2nd level) to grapple the paralyzed Grettanian Knight, pulling him out for 21 cold damage/4 bludgeoning damage from the fall (25 total)

Round 1

  • Nyrus: Fires one explosive arrow at the undamaged forward patrol tower, dealing 7 lightning/12 thunder/11 piercing/32 sneak attack (62 total) and topples the side with the ballista trooper, killing him. The Grettanian Knight takes 20 damage but survives.
  • Dr. Nizbon: Seeing the knight's governmental pride, he tosses his Target Leech & primes his Turbine Rifle for a Sharpshooter shot, hitting and blasting the knight from the crumbled tower with 34 radiant damage/6 bludgeoning damage (40 total) from the fall. This, hilariously, kills the once arrogant Grettanian Knight, earning a chuckle from Viko as he watched the whole thing.
  • Viko: Casts Chaotic Lash (2nd level spell) on a Knightrooper for 13 fire/1 slashing damage. He died via antimatter bisection.
  • Haku: Casts Rock Throw (2nd level spell) at the two uninjured troops. One hits hard for 23 bludgeoning, but the other is dodged/parried by a nimble Knightrooper, who has now figured out where Haku is.
  • Kiara: Casts Brain Blast (4th level spell) at the injured wall, dealing 34 psychic and knocking them all out.
  • Hana: With the Knight in her Aqua Whip grasp, Hana casts Electracles (3rd level spell, amplified since the target is submerged) and shocks the Knight for 12 lightning damage, since he recently became unparalyzed and succeeded on his Con save to resist the power. His resistance and her satisfaction drop the Aqua Whip.
  • Ballista Trooper: Fires on Hana to free the Knight, scoring a direct hit for 11 piercing/5 radiant (16 total).
  • Grettanian Knight: Casts Shock Enhancement (1st level spell) & strikes Hana twice with his Greatsword for 32 total damage.
  • Grettanian Knightroopers: One fires his crossbow on Haku, one fires on Dr. Nizbon, and one fires on Viko. Haku & Nizbon are hit, taking 6 & 4 piercing damage each. Viko simply pulls his head back enough for the bolt to wiz by, slowly walking towards his prey.

Round 2

  • Nyrus: Fires a Sharpshooter arrow at the ballista guy, missing his first shot. He tries again, scoring perfection and dealing 45 damage to the back of the trooper's head.
  • Dr. Nizbon: Flies forward and tries to unload on a soldier, but his Turbine Rifle misfires and blows up 17 radiant damage in Nizbon's face. This knocks him out of the sky.
  • Viko: Closes the distance between the fearful trooper with his sword, slicing three times. The first blow clashes with the Knightrooper's blade, earning a respectful smirk from Viko before he cleaves him to pieces with the other strikes (30 total).
  • Haku: Tosses his boomerang as a spear at the trooper that attacked him, dealing 12 piercing and casting Bullet Stone (1st level spell) with his other attack. The Knightrooper parries the stone with his blade as Haku calls his weapon back from his chest.
  • Kiara: Casts Mind Probe (1st level spell) on the weakened Knightrooper, imploring him that he doesn't want to continue this fight. Her psychic words get to him via 9 psychic damage, knocking him out.
  • Hana: Casts Hydro Rush (2nd level spell) on the Grettanian Knight, dealing just enough damage to defeat the stubborn knight.
  • Grettanian Knightrooper: Refusing to give up, he sounds an intense Vibronet alarm in the base and fires one last crossbow bolt at Haku, who casually brushes it astray with the Gaioforce. As Haku psychologically torments the soldier, the latter is dropped by an arrow from Nyrus, with a quick "We don't have time for games" remark over their Mind Link.
With their entrance clear, Nyrus & Kiara assemble up front from their hiding places, as the GaioCorps enters the base.

Wave Two: Breach & Kill (4 Knights 1,100 XP each, 37 Troopers @ 200 XP each, 11,800 XP total)


  • Viko: 13. 71/147 HP, 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 0/2 3rd, 0/1 4th
  • Kiara: 12. 85/85 HP, 3/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 1/3 3rd, 1/3 4th, 1/2 5th, 1/1 6th, 1/1 7th, 1/1 8th
  • Nyrus: 12. 101/131 HP, 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd, 1/1 4th
  • Haku: 7. 74/117 HP, 3/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 2/3 3rd, 2/2 4th
  • Hana: 20. 75/135 HP, 3/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 2/3 3rd, 1/3 4th, 1/2 5th, 1/1 6th, 1/1 7th, 1/1 8th
  • Dr. Nizbon: 16. 38/72 HP, 3/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 3/3 3rd, 1/1 4th
  • Grettanian Knight: 14. 60/60 HP, 2/2 1st level
  • Grettanian Knightrooper: 14. 27/27 HP

Round 1

  • Hana: Casts Aquaflesh (1st level) & Flash Freeze (5th level) to freeze 6 of the 7 knightroopers she targeted while dealing 24 cold to the frozen/12 to the guy who resisted.
  • Dr. Nizbon: Tosses his Gale Grenade at six troopers, dealing 25 force damage.
  • Grettanian Knight: One casts Sun Strike (1st level) and fired a heavy crossbow shot at Nizbon, but misses the nimble gnomeling. One casts a cold Chromatic Orb (1st level) on Hana, critting for 18 cold damage. Hana resists the freezing effect of this damage to her liquidy form. The other two cast Plasma Shots (one radiant, one lightning) on Viko, dealing 6 radiant/11 lightning (17 total).
  • Grettanian Knightrooper: 11 troopers fire at Nizbon, 6 hit for 46 piercing damage. 6 fire at Haku, 3 hit for 26 piercing damage. 6 fire at Viko, 1 hits for 5 piercing. 6 fire at Nyrus, 3 hit/1 crits for 12 piercing. 5 fire at Hana, 2 hit for 9 piercing since she is in water form. The other 5 fire at Viko, but none hit.
  • Viko: Casts Infernal Buzzsaw (4th level) at the Knight and 5 troopers, dealing 20 to the knight, 40 to 4 of them, and 20 to the last. He splits 4 of them in half with fire. Then activates a Gaiodrenaline, boosting his Constitution to give his spells +1 to attack & damage.
  • Nyrus: Nat20s a 4-shuriken shot at 4 troopers for 24 piercing/12 lightning (36 total, 9 each). Then tosses one explosive shuriken in their center with the other hand, blowing two away with 10 thunder while dealing 5 to the two who dodged. Unfortunately, one dodger didn't have enough left in him to survive the muted damage, dying upon his nimble impact.
  • Kiara: Casts Mass Cure Wounds (5th level) on her party, seeing Nizbon & Hana in trouble, giving 20 HP to the party.
  • Haku: Casts Georift (3rd level) on three troopers, killing two in the pit with 36 bludgeoning damage while the third remains standing. Frustrated, Haku uses his second attack to toss his boomerang, knocking the arrogant trooper into the pit.

Round 2

  • Hana: Fled into the frozen soldiers and casts Organic Mending (4th level) on herself for 13 HP.
  • Dr. Nizbon: Fires a Slugbow shot at a trooper and tosses an Electrobola at a Knight. The trooper deflects the slugbow shot, but the knight trips and falls prone from the bola and takes 17 lightning damage.
  • Grettanian Knight: One casts Sun Strike (1st level) & fired a crossbow bolt at Viko, dealing 9 piercing/15 radiant (24 total). Another casts Chromatic Orb (1st level) on Viko for 20 acid damage. One charges Nyrus for two greatsword strikes w/ Shock Enhancement, dealing 6 slashing/8 lightning (14 total). The other fires a crossbow bolt w/ Shock Enhancement at Nizbon, dealing 5 piercing/8 lightning (13 total).
  • Grettanian Knightrooper: 6 fire at Nizbon, one hits for 12 piercing. 2 more fire at Haku while one charges him, dealing 10 piercing/9 slashing (19 total). 3 more fired at Viko, dealing 14 piercing.
  • Viko: needs to make DC 12 Con save or take more radiant damage. Activates Gaiodrenaline, tosses his shield at a trooper and his sword at another, then bashes at the knight with his morningstar. Crits with the shield, splitting the soldier in half. Deals 15 slashing/17 fire (32 total) with the sword, splitting him in half too. Brings the morningstar into the knight's face for 46 damage(crit), killing them. Not having enough, Viko uses an Action Surge and fires Antivision (3rd level) at the other knight and two troopers for 30 radiant damage, killing the latter while harming the former.
  • Nyrus: Deals 20 slashing/11 lightning (31 total) to his knight via bladed longbow/shock enhancement
  • Kiara: Casts Healing Thought (4th level) on Hana, giving 22 + 10 (since they are in a Mind Link) HP (32 total).
  • Haku: Draws his weapon into a staff and strikes the trooper twice, getting parried on the first but dealing 15 bludgeoning on the second.

Round 3

  • Hana: Casts Hydro Rush (4th level) using the water from her flash frozen soldiers, finishing them off. Deals 29 cold to 4 & 14 to 2, killing all but one of the resistors.
  • Dr. Nizbon: Pulls out the Turbine Blaster & Targeting Leech, then takes aim at the knight with Sharpshooter. Nat20s the shot, blasting the life out of the knight to the surprise of everyone around him. Pulls out the slugbow and fires one last shot at a trooper, but the trooper parries.
  • Grettanian Knights: Two sword swings at their opponents (Viko & Nyrus). Viko's guy deals 10 slashing, Nyrus's guy crit fails twice and earns a hard knee to the jaw from Nyrus for 7 bludgeoning.
  • Grettanian Knightroopers: One swings at Viko for 6 slashing, one fires at Hana for 6 piercing, three attack Haku for 12 slashing, one crits Nyrus for 16 slashing. The other 6 open fire on Nizbon, 4 hit (1 crit) for 29 piercing
  • Viko: Unleashes his hits on the knight in a fit of combat rage. When he is done, he finds both the knight and the knightrooper assisting him slaughtered before his blade, still glowing with Rouzhai fire.
  • Nyrus: Casts Speed Greed (1st level) and rushes behind the knight and the knightrooper, getting an attack off on each. Since he flanked them, he gets sneak attack on the knight, dealing enough damage to kill them both. With the last of his speed, he rushed over to the other guy, but nat1 and stops just short of him
  • Kiara: Casts Brain Wave (2nd level) for 15 psychic damage. This knocks out the weakened ones.
  • Haku: Bops one guy dead with a punch, then sinks a kick into another for 7 bludgeoning/12 force damage (19 total) for the kill. Looks to his last target with mischievious eyes.
  While the final four troopers fought valiantly and put in their good work, they were felled by the GaioCorp in the beginning of the next round. The GaioCorps notices how drained they are, knowing the base still has plenty of fight left in it. "Maybe you all need to take the backseat in this round" the gang turns to see a peculilar group of humanoids, led by a Loxodon. "We're the Knights of Anarchy, and we just saw the ass you kicked in this room. Let us take the lead and we'll crush this imperial scum together!" Before waiting for an answer, Morgoth & his gang charge in, with a confused Viko & Nyrus looking to Kiara, who just finished healing Nizbon with Cure Wounds (1st level), 21 HP. Excitedly, Nizbon says "Whaddya waiting for, I'm with them." and flies in after the Knights of Anarchy. Seeing a team up as the best option, the rest ran in without argument.  

Wave Three: Hold the Line (12 Knights 1,100 XP each, 22 Troopers @ 200 XP each, 2 Shieldtroopers @ 450 XP each, 18,500 XP total)


  • Viko: 21. 50/147 HP, 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 0/2 3rd, 0/1 4th
  • Kiara: 10. 27/85 HP, 6/6 Warian Reactions. 3/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 1/3 3rd, 1/3 4th, 1/2 5th, 1/1 6th, 1/1 7th, 1/1 8th
  • Nyrus: 19. 78/131 HP, 3/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd, 1/1 4th
  • Haku: 13. 20/117 HP, 2/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 1/3 3rd, 2/2 4th
  • Hana: 13. 75/135 HP, 3/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 2/3 3rd, 1/3 4th, 1/2 5th, 0/1 6th, 1/1 7th, 1/1 8th
  • Dr. Nizbon: 8. 38/72 HP, 3/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 3/3 3rd, 0/1 4th
  • Sir Morgoth: 7. 86/101 HP 3/4 1st, 2/3 2nd
  • Bruknuk: 13, 119/155 HP
  • Vesuvia Firefinger: 21. 36/58 HP, 11/13 sorcery points, 4/4 1st level, 2/3 2nd level, 3/3 3rd level, 2/3 4th level, 2/2 5th level, 0/1 6th level, 1/1 7th level
  • The Dealer: 22. 60/68 HP
  • Antrovius Vaine: 14. 35/80 HP, 4/4 1st level, 2/3 2nd level, 2/3 3rd level, 3/3 4th level, 2/2 5th level, 1/1 6th level, 1/1 7th level
  • Grettanian Knight: 9. 60/60 HP, 2/2 1st level
  • Grettanian Trooper: 9. 27/27 HP.

Round 1

  • The Dealer: Fires a Three card from his deck at a knight, dealing 17 slashing damage.
  • Vesuvia: Uses 2 sorcery points for Quickened Spell, then fires Twinfire at 4 soldiers, 2 knights & 2 troopers. Killed the troopers and dealt 15 fire damage to the knights. She then fired Gamma Flame (2nd level spell) at the two and another trooper, dealing 13 fire/10 radiant damage (23 total to each) and irradiates the area.
  • Viko: Activates his second Gaiodrenaline with a Bonus Action, then charges forward with his War Bident with 11 piercing/4 fire/ (15 total) & 20 with a slash, dropping the trooper in a dead slump. He then throws the bident at the Knight, critting for 12 piercing/30 fire (42 total) and skewering him. Looks to the trooper to his right, who now understands the meaning of fear
  • Nyrus: Casts Plasma Enhancement (1st level spell), tires his grapple blades at a knight, they parry one but take the other to the shoulder, dealing 12 piercing/8 lightning damage with a shocking tether. The knight is grappled
  • Antrovius: Casts Erupting Earth (3rd level) on a knight & trooper, dealing 18 bludgeoning to the knight & 9 to the trooper. Casts Shillellagh(cantrip) on his scepter.
  • Bruknuk: Enters a Frenzied Rage, kills a trooper, then runs up to another trooper and makes Reckless Attack to hit him for 13 bludgeoning.
  • Haku: Runs up and GeoRifts (3rd level) some niggas. The knight nimbly avoids it, but his two men aren't so lucky, falling in and being turned to paste with 34 bludgeoning damage. Then casts Geostrength (1st level) and braces for battle, drawing his boomerang into a staff.
  • Hana: Casts Maelstrom (6th level) on 5 troops and a knight. The knight and one trooper dodge and take 25 damage, while the others aren't so lucky and die in an aquatic blender. Hana keeps Concentration on the maelstrom.
  • Kiara: Cast Brain Wave (6th level) on 4 troopers & 3 knights, dealing 35 psionic to each of them. This KOs the troopers, but Kiara's Brain Wave props them up as unconsious mind slaves. They turn towards the knights with murderous intent.
  • Grettanian Knight: Two Knights toss a Bolt Grenade & Flashbang (both 1st level) in Antrovius & Kiara's direction. Both fail their saves and take 12 lightning/8 radiant damage (20 each) and are blinded/paralyzed for a round. Thiis drops Kiara's hold on the troopers, who fall unconscious. A third casts Gamma Flame (2nd level) on the helpless druids and roasts them for 25 fire/radiant damage, irradiating the area just like Vesuvia did on the other side. Meanwhile, another knight takes 5 radiant damage from Vesuvia's Gamma Flame area, then charges over to Viko while casting Kinetic Splash (2nd level) and swings for 6 slashing/15 thunder damage (21 total). One knight fires a Plasma Shot at Vesuvia, but she wacks it away with her flame wreathed hand. One knight tries to break Nyrus' grapple, but fails; fires a middle-finger Plasma Shot for 12 fire damage to Nyrus. Two knights fire their crossbows, one with Sun Strike (1st level) & the other with Plasma Enhancement (1st level) at Nyrus & the Dealer. One hits the Dealer who Uncanny Dodges it, dealing 4 piercing/12 radiant (8 total to Dealer) and Nyrus dodges the other without turning his head, impressing the Dealer. All three knights on the top left take fire at Haku, one with Plasma Shot and two with Gamma Flame (2nd level each). Plasma Shot misses the nimble Seregan, then nimbly dodges the brunt of the Gamma Flames, taking only 22 fire/radiant damage and evading the now-irradiated area.
  • Grettanian Trooper: One trooper sees a disgusting opportunity and climbs on top of Kiara, backhanding her for 3 bludgeoning and undoing his belt to do horrible things. One trooper swings at Bruknuk with a crit for 16 slashing (8 to the rage boi). One trooper takes 5 radiant damage from Vesuvia's Gamma Flame area and dies. One trooper swings at Nyrus while his buddy shoots at him, dealing 9 slashing & 7 piercing (11 total due to Uncanny Dodge). One trooper engages Haku, critting for 12 slashing damage. One trooper engages Morgoth, but the elephant of wrath parries with his great blade. One trooper attacks Vesuvia, dealing 10 slashing.
  • Grettanian Shieldtrooper: Charges at Morgoth for a Shield Bash, dealing 20 bludgeoning damage thanks to Martial Advantage and the charge. Morgoth crit fails his Strength saving and is knocked prone, but simultaneously casts Hellish Rebuke (1st level) on the shieldtrooper for 12 fire damage. The other Shieldtrooper charges his Shield Bash at Nyrus, but the assassin catches him just in time and leaps over the shieldtrooper.
  • Dr. Nizbon: Tosses a Gale Grenade at the two knights in back; one doges while the other is sucked in and crushed. Nizbon uses his extra attack to fire his Turbine Blaster at rapey for 13 radiant damage.
  • Sir Morgoth: Gets up, then starts swinging with his righteous fury. Hits the trooper for 11 slashing/6 radiant (17 total), then the shieldtrooper for 15 slashing/14 radiant (29 total) via Divine Smite (2nd level). This kills the valiant shieldtrooper, who was no match for Morgoth's Might.

Round 2

  • The Dealer: Draws his Cigar, gets to Nyrus' side, then blows it in the shieldtrooper's face. The shieldtrooper takes 11 cold damage and is frozen in place.
  • Vesuvia: Uses two sorcery points for Quickened Spell, then casts Dragon's Wrath (6th level) as a Bonus Action, breathing a ball at the trooper and shooting two balls from her hands at the knights. The trooper makes his superiors proud and matrix dodges the fireball, only taking 22 fire damage. The knights aren't so lucky and take 44 fire damage. She then uses Cinder Snap (2nd level) on one of the knights for 22 fire/5 thunder (27 total), finishing him off.
  • Viko: Draws his morningstar and shield and swings madly at the knight, missing the first but hitting the second for 13 bludgeoning/19 fire (31 damage) and dropping the guy. Filled with another attack, he sees Kiara in danger from rapey and hurls his shield at his head, connecting for 15 bludgeonig/21 fire damage (36 total) and decaptitating him, dropping his body to the side and cauterizing the wounds with the heat.
  • Nyrus: Casts Speed Greed (cantrip) and wails on his trooper with martial arts, dealing 18 bludgeoing/23 lightning (41 total) and killing him with no remorse. He only deals 27 to the guy, giving the remaining 14 to the frozen shieldtrooper with a kick.
  • Antrovius: Recovers from his blindness/paralysis and Wild Shapes into a Rhinocerous beetle, then charges at the knight that fried him and Kiara. Deals 25 damage and skewers him on his horn.
  • Bruknuk: Rips his trooper in half with two strikes, then charges over to the knight with a Bone Axe strike. dealing 21 slashing damage.
  • Haku: Swings twice with his staff; the trooper parries the first one, but the second swings forth with the might of Geostrength and kills the trooper.
  • Hana: Moves her maelstrom to sweep up the bottom right corner. One knight & trooper evade, but the backlash slashes them enough to kill them via bad falls. The other two take 46 cold/slashing damage; one dies on impact and the other is sucked up.
  • Kiara: Angered by her near rape attempt, Kiara takes a page out of Antrovius' book and glares at the knight in the corner. He crit fails his Wisdom save, allowing Kiara to read what creature he fears most. As such, she transforms into a humanoid shark and charges at him, scaring him shitless and giving her an attack of opportunity. She bites him for 29 piercing damage, killing him and thrashing his body around in a traumatized rage.
  • Grettanian Knight: The maelstrom knight tries to get out of the maelstrom, but fails. One knight attacks Bruknuk with a Plasma Enhanced (2nd level) lightning sword strike for 11 slashing/10 lightning (15 total), then a regular sword strike for 10 slashing (5 total). Two knights line up to roast Haku with more Gamma Flames, but he dodges both and only takes 20 fire/radiant damage.
  • Grettanian Trooper: One attacks Vesuvia for 12 slashing. One attacks Morgoth for 5 slashing.
  • Grettanian Shieldtrooper: Unable to thaw himself out
  • Dr. Nizbon: Flies over and casts Twinfire (4th level) at the knights attacking Haku. Deals 26 & 36 fire damage, killing one and weakening the other.
  • Sir Morgoth: Chops his guy in half after the trooper dared to parry his first strike. Runs over to help Vesuvia.

Round 3

  • The Dealer: Decides to let the deck decide the shieldtrooper's fate. Steps back and tosses a card, scoring a 10 and dealing searing 38 radiant damage. This melts the ice and the shieldtrooper it once encased, magnified to an intense degree with the ice's refractive properties. Nyrus looks back with shock and respect.
  • Vesuvia: Draws her shortsword and impales the last trooper, watching the life leave his eyes with glee.
  • Viko: Throws his morningstar, his bident & his sword over at the last knights. One knight dodges the morningstar, but is impaled and killed by the bident for 9 piercing/15 fire (24 total). Viko's sword connects with Bruknuk's opponent for 11 slashing/14 fire (25 total). Runs over to support Kiara.
  • Nyrus: Seeing that Hana has control of the last knight in their zone, Nyrus rushes over to Kiara, using up his Speed Greed to get there. He comforts her, bringing her out of her Intimate Wild Shape and holding her as she comes down/cries over her attempted rape.
  • Antrovius: Charges over to support Bruknuk.
  • Bruknuk: Punches the wind out of the knight, lifts him up, and bites off his head.
  • Haku: Takes a knee and recuperates from all the damage he's taken.
  • Hana: Takes her knight up as high as she can for 8 cold damage, then drops him for 16 bludgeoning, killing him.
  • Kiara: Fully collects herself with Nyrus, thanking him, Viko & Nizbon for their help.
  • Dr. Nizbon: Nizbon flies in to comfort Kiara
  • Sir Morgoth: Shouts with pride & glory for the day they have won, though Vesuvia tells him to read the room.


While the Knights of Anarchy stood strong, the GaioCorps was pretty banged up. Kiara huddled with her friends, thanking them for their support and apologizing for letting herself become so helpless. They reassured her over and over again that none of this was her fault; they're just glad they won the day and freed Drogtown from the empire. Kiara pushes on this, stating that while they won here and several other towns in the past month, she feared it wasn't leaving the dent that she hoped. Grettania has the resources to retake these settlements if they choose, and they can't be protecting towns everywhere at once. Besides, Knightlord Garen is their true enemy; the empire will only fall if he does, so he should be their priority. Viko, Nyrus & Hana agree, though Haku shows some concern at leaving the people to the empire's will while they take down Garen, having connected with the Grettanians they've saved during his time here. Dr. Nizbon does not openly disagree, but Kiara can sense that he's having more fun killing imperials than he would targeting the emperor. Morgoth chimes into their conversation, stating that he'll gladly kill every imperial pig on this continent until there's none left, to which Bruknuk roars and Vesuvia cheers.
"If you don't want to spend their days doing the dirty work, the Knights of Anarchy would be happy to." Morgoth says.
"For an amazing rate and contract, of course!" the Dealer chimes in. Kiara can feel Dr. Nizbon's positivety rise with the energy of this group, developing an idea. She stands up.
"Then it's settled. You Knights of Anarchy will go town to town, liberating as many as you can from the empire. We may not be able to hold territory forever, but it'll keep the empire on their toes/constantly dedicating resources to recapture territory. Meanwhile, the GaioCorps will spend our time tracking down and defeating Garen, removing the head from this illegitimate empire. As payment, you can keep whatever riches you find, so long as they were not unfairly taken from the people. We will also forward you a percentage of our earnings during our quest. How does that sound?" Kiara announces with leadership energy? The Dealer walks up to her with confidence & sway, but impressed at the same time.
"It SOUNDS like we have a deal." He smirks as he reaches out his hand. Kiara shakes it and they begin ironing out the details of their contract. Nyrus, Viko & the other Knights begin ransacking the base for weapons & valuables. After finishing the contract negotiations, Kiara interrogates the imperials she had previously knocked unconscious, learning only that settlements with strategic, scientific or magical value are getting this kind of imperial attention. With the disturbing experiments she and the GaioCorps found, Kiara believes it’s all related to a military build up, not uncommon for a new regime. Later, Kiara approaches Nizbon.
"Thank you for what you did back there for me, I will never forget it." she says sweetly.
"Ah don't sweat it kid, you woulda done the same for me. Besides, gave me another excuse to shoot the lights outta imperials." Dr. Nizbon smirked, earning a smile from Kiara.
"Exactly my point, killing imperials is clearly your passion and a great way to test your technology. I can feel how much happiness this type of adventure brings you. Which is why I want to propose something to you." Kiara says. "I think you should join the Knights of Anarchy on their quest to liberate Grettania. Not only is this your home country, but your skillset & happiness will be much better served. Of course, I'm not kicking you out of the GaioCorps, if you would prefer to hunt down Garen instead, we would love to have you! Either way, I need to get some sleep, just think about it." Kiara finished and goes off to bed, leaving Nizbon with alot to think about. Eventually, everyone goes to sleep.  

Separate Ways for a More Perfect Union

  Both groups wake up refreshed and healthy. Early on, Nizbon pulls Nyrus aside to explain that he's going with the Knights of Anarchy, which Nyrus understands and respects. Eventually, the two teams express their delight in meeting each other and extending this new partnership, wishing each other luck and getting ready to part ways. The rest of the GaioCorps have a heartfelt goodbye from Nizbon, who has made their lives a tad bit more fun with his presence. Nizbon gives Nyrus a two-way Vibronet receiver, allowing both teams to contact each other with any information or if they need help. Bidding them adieu and good luck, Dr. Nizbon flies off to the Knights of Anarchy, bragging about how much they'll love his creations to a mutual excitement/craziness on their side.
A short time after, word of the Drogtown liberation reached Garen's office through the Vibronet. The Knightlord shows extreme frustration at the repeated failures of his soldiers and mercenaries. While he knows he could bring the full might of the Imperial Army down on them, he admits to his advisor that his forces are spread too thin and currently committed to his "other projects". Knowing that the last mercenaries he sent after them never returned, and that the last assassin he sent after one of them joined forces, the advisor recommends an alternative solution. Specifically, he points out "If domestic industry continues to fail you, perhaps it is time to explore foreign services." He continues on by saying that he has some contacts in Thagoria that specialize in these kinds of problems; they have expertise in killing powerful warriors & magic users, particularly those that travel in adventuring parties. Garen slightly smiles at this, tells his advisor to get it done, and looks out over the view from his tower. The skyline of Garrifell (capital of Grettania, newly renamed) has never looked more inspiring for the advancing emperor.  

XP Earned

  • Viko: 36,700 XP
  • Kiara: 36,700 XP
  • Nyrus: 36,700 XP
  • Haku: 36,700 XP
  • Hana: 36,700 XP
  • Dr. Nizbon: 36,700 XP
  • Sir Morgoth: 18,500 XP
  • Vesuvia Firefinger: 18,500 XP
  • Bruknuk: 18,500 XP
  • Antrovius Vaine: 18,500 XP
  • The Dealer: 18,500 XP

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